“Yo’av the son of Tz’ruyah was commander of the army, Y’hoshafat the son of Achilud was chief adviser,”-2 Samuel 8:16
So at the end of 2nd Samuel Chapter 8, we’re told something interesting.
We’re told that Yo’av (or Joab in gentile English translations), had become the commander of David’s army.
You remember this bad dude, don’t you?
Several years earlier, he murdered Avner, who was the top military commander of the northern tribal alliance.
Once it became apparent that David would rise to become king of all Israel (both the northern and southern coalitions)…
Yo’av and Avner locked horns, each vying to be Israel’s top military chief.
The thing is Joab murdered Avner through deception and revenge.
When David found out about it, he later cursed Joab’s family and publicly mourned Avner to show that he had no part in the murder (2 Samuel 3:28-39).
Yet despite being cursed, Yo’av didn’t just survive.
He somehow secured his spot as David’s top general!
We’ll get back to that in a second.
Next, we’re told of a man named Jehoshaphat.
Some call him David’s chief advisor, but that’s not quite right.
It’s best to describe him as David’s official historian…
Or ZAKAR in Hebrew.
He was the one who recorded all of the battles, treaties, and family history.
He made sure the King’s story was told with accuracy.
Okay, let’s get back to that murderer Yo’av.
You know, it always bothers me when I see scoundrels rise to power and good fortune in this world.
Where is the justice in that?
Shouldn’t Yo’av have been executed for unjustly killing Avner, even though Avner wasn’t necessarily a saint?
Well, it turns out he was executed.
Under David’s rulership, he remained in power for years…
But eventually, Solomon executed him for his crimes (1 Kings 2:28-34).
After he was brought to justice, this is what Solomon pronounced about him:
“The king answered him, “Do what he said — strike him down, and bury him. In this way you will take away from me and my father’s family the blood which Yo’av shed for no reason. Adonai will bring his blood back on his own head, because he struck down two men more righteous and better than he — he killed them with the sword without my father David’s awareness: Avner the son of Ner, commander of the army of Isra’el, and ‘Amasa the son of Yeter, commander of the army of Y’hudah.'”-1 Kings 2:31-32
So there you have it!
Justice was done after all.
We’re told the Lord brought his blood back on his head.
And that’s your takeaway for today.
Evil people may think they can get away with their sins…
Or that maybe with time, their past deeds will be forgotten.
No such thing.
God assures us that every person shall reap what he or she sows.
Ya feel me?
And if you’re worried about the consequences of your past sins…
Receive forgiveness today by accepting the sacrifice of Messiah as payment for ALL your sins, past, present, and future.
Don’t forget the criminal on the cross who was crucified right next to Yeshua.
Yeshua assured him…
“Truly I tell you,
today you will be
with me in paradise.”
-Luke 23:43
This shows us that God’s mercy is available even at the last moment to those who turn to Him in faith.
See ya all next time!
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God because when they see sinfulness and corruption in the world, especially when it is from our leaders, they have no recourse except to hope someone else takes over and is better.
However, history has shown that when one dictator is ousted by a revolution, the new leader isn’t all that much better.
But for those of us who believe in God and know that he is trustworthy, not just to save but also to punish, then we can always be certain that if the sins of the unrighteous are not paid for in this life, they will fall on the head of the sinner in the next life, which lasts a heck of a lot longer than this one does. 😉
Amen, Steven.
For obvious reasons, eternal judgment is much more severe than earthly judgment.
I’d prefer earthly judgment over eternal.
As Yeshua said:
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”-Matthew 10:28