Chapter 7 of 2nd Samuel represents a radical break from the preceding six chapters.
What do I mean exactly?
The first six chapters focus on showing us how David rose to become king after Saul’s death.
But once we arrive at Chapter 7, it’s like the pause button is pressed…
And the content turns philosophical.
God begins explaining why He had made David so powerful and respected—both by his own people and by other nations.
But this chapter wasn’t just about David’s present.
It looked ahead to the future.
It was prophetic.
This was the moment God pulled back the curtain—just a little—to give David a peek at His big plan of salvation.
And at the heart of that plan?
A future king from David’s family.
David didn’t know who it would be.
His people didn’t either.
Nobody knew.
But as I mentioned yesterday, with the benefit of hindsight, we do.
That king was Yeshua of Nazareth—God’s Messiah.
So, here’s your takeaway for today.
Your life is NOT about you.
If you’ve got narcissistic tendencies, that might be a bitter pill to swallow…
But it’s true.
Your life and all of your fleshly economic goals and pursuits are meaningless in light of God’s plan for mankind.
Why do you think so many multi-millionaires and billionaires become depressed and some even suicidal at the end of their lives?
Because they realized what King Solomon realized centuries ago:
“Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
— Ecclesiastes 1:2
So you attain wealth and success?
Big whoopee frickin’ doo!
You can’t take them with you when you die.
It doesn’t bring lasting joy.
The wise and the foolish will both end up dying on hospital beds with tubes hooked up to their body (I witnessed this first-hand a couple of weeks ago when I was hospitalized for a mini-stroke).
My point is…
Get your life aligned with God’s plans…
Or end up wasting your life on frivolous pursuits that are GUARANTEED to end in despair and depression…
No matter how big your bank account.
No matter how many beautiful chicks you bedded down with.
No matter how much worldly status you achieve in this life.
No matter if you succeeded in getting that 6-pack abs in the gym…
King David understood this profound truth and expressed it here in 2nd Samuel Chapter 7.
He understood well that God’s blessings upon his life were just a small part of God’s ultimate plans for mankind.
Again, I leave you with these words of King Solomon:
“Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.”
— Ecclesiastes 12:13 (NIV)
“Whoever finds their life will lose it,
and whoever loses their life
for my sake will find it.”
— Matthew 10:39
unto God alone be the glory
Amen, Abraham.