I wanna kick things off today by looking at two verses from 2nd Samuel Chapter 7.
First, take a look at this one:
“It is for the sake of your word and in accordance with your own heart that you have done all this greatness and revealed it to your servant.”-2 Samuel 7:21
Second, take a look at this verse:
“So now, Adonai, God, establish forever the word you have spoken to your servant and his house; do what you have promised.”-2 Samuel 7:25
Notice that David’s prayers to the Lord revolved around one key theme.
It is that God’s Will would be established by His Word.
In Hebrew, “word” is DABAR.
And by the way, that’s the same word usually translated into “commandments” for the ten commandments.
It should be translated as the “Ten Words of God.”
So David confesses that his family has been blessed, not because of any merit on his part.
But so that the Lord’s Word may be established forever.
Again, this has a double meaning.
On one level, he’s referring to the Oracle he received from his prophet Natan.
But on another level, this is a full-blown messianic prophecy.
This becomes obvious when we compare these two verses with the opening statement from the Gospel of John.
“In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.”
-John 1:1
The point is that God’s promise to David wasn’t just about him—
It was about the Messiah, God’s Son, Yeshua, the Word.
And when David asked God to make his kingdom last forever…
He was asking—without fully knowing it—for God to always establish the Messiah’s rule…
Both on earth and forever in heaven!
So here’s the takeaway I’m getting for today.
Whenever you pray, don’t be so darn self-centered and focus only on yourself and your needs.
Pray for your family, your friends, peace for society, and the world around you.
And most importantly….
Pray for the coming of the Messiah.
This is a habit I’ve started to put into practice in my evening prayers.
When David prayed…
“Bless your servant’s family with your blessing, forever.”
He was praying for himself and his family…
But he was also aware that his prayers were for the Savior of Israel that would come from his line.
Let it be the same for you when you say your prayers.
life : its not only about us.
when I compared this phenomenon to an organisation. The owner has a broader vision.
it is the vision that is used to develop the concept.
All players and staff are feeling into the business concept in order to arrive at the vision.
God is good
Great example, Abraham.
Thanks for sharing!