“Yet in your view, Adonai Elohim, even this was too small a thing; so you have even said that your servant’s dynasty will continue on into the distant future. This is [indeed] a teaching for a man, Adonai Elohim —”-2 Samuel 7:19
In response to the Lord’s pronouncement that David’s dynasty will last forever, David says…
“This is indeed a teaching for man…”
In the original Hebrew, it says…
“This is indeed a TORAH for ADAM…”
Now, here’s the thing.
“Adam” can have two meanings.
It can be a proper name referring to Eve’s husband Adam in the Garden of Eden…
Or it can mean “mankind” in general.
In this case, which one is it?
This has been hotly debated among the Jewish sages.
If you’re looking at these passages from a purely political perspective…
Then this is all about proving David’s family has the legal right to Israel’s throne.
But if you’re looking at this statement spiritually…
Then David’s statement is pointing to the Messiah.
And what do we know about the Messiah based on New Testament revelation?
He is called the second Adam, right?
The Torah (God’s teaching) says that this new Adam will come from David’s family and rule forever.
Are you grasping what I’m laying down here?
David is praying before the Ark in his tent, in the City of David.
God has just told him that one of his descendants will rule His Kingdom for eternity.
And David responds, “This is a teaching for Adam.”
Although David doesn’t understand things fully, he’s aware that something supernatural is being communicated.
A new Adam is coming.
He’ll be from his own bloodline.
And this descendant will rule over the earth in a way the first Adam never could.
Again, David couldn’t picture how this would happen.
It was beyond human imagination.
He didn’t have all the answers.
He just believed God and took Him at His word.
That is what made David great in God’s eyes.
Not perfect behavior (let’s be honest, he committed some of the worst sins).
But his deep, unshakable trust in God—something most of us can barely grasp.
And that’s your takeaway for today.
At the end of the day…
It’s not about perfect obedience to God’s commands (though we should strive to obey)…
It’s about trusting the Lord…
Even when you don’t understand…
Even when circumstances seem hopeless…
Even when your enemies seem to have gained the upper hand…
Through thick and thin….
Trust the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, and all of your mind.
Ya feel me?
“But, as it is written,
‘What no eye has seen,
nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared
for those who love him‘—
-1 Corinthians 2:9
Thank you needed this today!
Hey Veronica!
Great to hear from you!
Happy you resonated with this.
Be blessed and Shabbat Shalom!