So why was David not allowed to build the Temple, but his son was permitted to?
We find the answer in the 1st Book of Chronicles.
Check out these verses:
“‘My son,’ said David to Shlomo, ‘my heart was set on building a house for the name of Adonai my God. But a message from Adonai came to me, ‘You have shed much blood and fought great wars. You are not to build a house for my name, because you have shed so much blood on the earth in my sight. But you will have a son who will be a man of rest. I will give him rest from all his enemies that surround him; for his name is to be Shlomo, and during his reign, I will give peace and quiet to Israel. It is he who will build a house for my name. He will be my son, and I will be his father, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Isra’el forever.’”-1 Chronicles 22:7-10
So there you have it.
During his lifetime, David had shed much blood.
As a result, the Lord said NO to David building a Temple for Him.
But Solomon was allowed.
Because Solomon ruled in peace and prosperity…
But David shed much blood to win the kingdom.
By the way, Shlomo (Solomon’s name in Hebrew) means “peace” from the word shalom.
Interestingly, Yeshua will walk the same path as David when he returns.
We’re told the blood he will draw with his sword will rise to the height of a horse’s bridle.
Also, let’s not overlook that 1 Chronicles says the Temple is NOT where the Lord Himself will live…
It’s where His name will live!
So here’s your takeaway for today.
Sometimes, God says no to something we deeply desire…
Not because we’re unworthy…
But because that’s not our God-given destiny.
David was called to be a warrior.
His mission was to secure the kingdom via bloodshed.
That was his role to play.
Solomon was a man of peace, and his role was to build the Temple.
Both patterns will apply to Yeshua.
First, he will come to conquer—then, he will bring lasting peace.
So remember, we all have our different roles to play in the Kingdom.
And depending on our role, God will fulfill some of our desires but say no to others.
Ya feel me?
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