“I will assign a place to my people Israel; I will plant them there, so that they can live in their own place without being disturbed anymore. The wicked will no longer oppress them, as they did at the beginning,”-2 Samuel 7:10
You know what I love about the Scriptures?
They’re a prophetic portal into the future.
They give us a peek into what God has in store for us in these last days.
And let me remind you…
When I say the Scriptures, I’m referring ONLY to the TANAKH (the Hebrew Bible)…
Or that portion of the Bible the Gentiles incorrectly label the “Old” Testament.
Given the prophetic nature of these books, I find it all the more ridiculous they’re labeled as “old.”
Because they’re anything but!
When you say something is “old,” you give the impression it no longer holds relevance for our current times.
And nothing could be further from the truth!
Chapter Seven in 2nd Samuel is a perfect case in point.
The conditions described are about David’s kingdom…
But they also point to a series of prophecies that’ll repeat in the future when one of David’s descendants sits on the throne.
Lemme show you what I mean.
Prophecy One: God Has Promised A Set-Apart Land For His People, And He kept That Promise
The land David now rules over was first promised to Abraham.
Then, God made that promise real through Moses and Joshua.
But here’s the exciting part—there’s a lot more to come!
Israel’s current land holdings are gonna expand!
For instance, don’t forget Lebanon belongs to Israel.
And in the last days, Israel will become the headquarters of God’s Kingdom, ruling over the entire planet.
Prophecy Two: The Wicked Will Cease To Harass Israel
Currently (in 2 Samuel 7), things are pretty peaceful.
The Philistines have been subdued, and Israel’s enemies aren’t causing major trouble.
Sure, skirmishes will occasionally break out here and there, but nothing big.
But in the future, when the Messiah returns to rule from Jerusalem, the wicked will cease to harass God’s people entirely!
No forts, soldiers, or weapons will be needed.
It’s not just that Israel will be strong enough to keep her enemies at bay, like in David’s day.
In the Millennial Kingdom, Israel won’t even have enemies!
Prophecy Three: Israel Will Finally Find Its Rest
At this stage in our study of the Hebrew Bible, Israel has inherited Canaan per God’s promise to Abraham.
She has a king chosen by God—David—instead of some evil gentile ruler.
And they’re in a pretty good place with God, even if it’s not perfect.
But in the end times, God Himself will rule over Israel.
This means no wicked kings and no mistakes.
The Messiah will be on the throne and Israel will be in perfect harmony with God.
We’ll get into some more prophetic pronouncements the next time we meet.
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