“When David returned to bless his household, Mikhal the daughter of Sha’ul came out to meet him and said, ‘Such honor the king of Isra’el earned for himself today — exposing himself before his servants’ slave-girls like some vulgar exhibitionist!’”-2 Samuel 6:20
Notice how the Scripture describes Mikhal as the “daughter of King Saul” as opposed to being David’s wife.
This is an important point.
Mikhal wasn’t upset about David’s modesty.
She was more concerned about her image and status.
She felt humiliated because she saw herself as a king’s daughter, not a king’s wife.
Isn’t that interesting?
She identified more with her father, King Saul (who’d been dead for years), than with her husband, David.
Biblically speaking, this is a big problem because the Scriptures say…
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”-Genesis 2:24
What’s also sad is that Mikhal displayed the same kind of arrogance we often saw in Saul.
So the apple didn’t fall far from the tree in this case.
Meanwhile, David—despite all his flaws—didn’t carry that same “I’m better than you” attitude we’d expect from royalty.
That was a huge contrast between them!
The big takeaway I’m getting from all of this is that Mikhal identified more with the world than the Word.
As believers, whenever we start to become too attached to the status symbols that a materialistic society worships…
We’re one step away from damaging our walk with the Lord.
Ya feel me?
See ya all next time.
“If the world hates you,
know that it has hated me
before it hated you.
If you were of the world,
the world would love you as its own;
but because you are not of the world,
but I chose you out of the world,
therefore the world hates you.”
-John 15:18–19
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