“Then he distributed to all the people of Israel, to everyone there, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a portion of meat and a raisin cake, after which the people all left for their homes.”-2 Samuel 6:19
Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, we’re told that David threw a huge celebration to commemorate the arrival of the Ark…
He also handed out bread, raisin cakes, and meat to every single Israelite in attendance.
We’re talking thousands of people!
Now, meat wasn’t something they ate every day—it was special.
So, where did all these carnivore delights come from?
The answer: the Shelamim sacrifices.
These peace offerings had one big purpose—to provide meat for a joyful feast, again marking the arrival of the Ark.
Here’s something else interesting.
The bread David handed out wasn’t your regular, everyday loaf.
When you dig into the Hebrew, it says challah lechem—Challah Bread!
If you’ve ever attended a Jewish synagogue for Shabbat or big celebrations, this is a type of bread you’re probably well familiar with.
Challah bread is used for all Biblical Feast fellowships except Passover (obviously because leavened bread is forbidden).
The takeaway for today is this reminds us that when God celebrates, He includes everyone.
David’s feast wasn’t just for the elites or his inner circle…
It was for royalty and common folk alike, men and women, young and old.
This mirrors what happened when the Torah was given at Sinai, where God’s blessings weren’t reserved for a special group but shared with all of Israel.
And in the New Covenant age, this truth expands even further:
God’s blessings are for both Jew and Gentile, breaking down every barrier.
Let’s remember—God’s joy is meant to unite, not divide.
His blessings are for everyone, no matter who you are.
“At that moment the parokhet
in the Temple was ripped in
two from top to bottom;
and there was an earthquake,
with rocks splitting apart.”
-Matthew 27:51
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