“When those bearing the ark of Adonai had gone only six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened sheep.”-2 Samuel 6:13
What does verse 6 mean when it says the Ark of Adonai was carried only six paces and then an ox and fattened sheep were sacrificed?
If it means every six paces, a sacrifice was performed, that’s a heck of a lot of sacrificing going on here.
Ya feel me?
There are differing opinions about this.
Some folks say that a sacrifice was performed only once after the first six paces, and that was it.
I beg to differ.
I think an ox and a fattened sheep were offered up every six paces over and over again.
See, here’s the thing.
Oved-Edom’s house was in Jerusalem.
So the Ark didn’t need to be carried a great distance.
You also have to consider that sacrificing just one ox and one sheep was hardly significant for such a great event as transporting the Ark.
So I’m sure a sacrifice was repeated every six paces.
Again, since the Ark was already in Jerusalem, we’re only talking about 600 steps or so.
When we do the math, that comes to around 100 oxen and 100 sheep that were sacrificed—maybe double that.
Either way, it wasn’t exactly a gargantuan number.
One other point.
When the Scripture talks about folks sacrificing, it wasn’t the people doing the sacrifices themselves.
Remember, only the Priest was authorized to perform the sacrificial procedures.
The worshipper simply brought the animal to the Tabernacle.
So, the same thing was happening here.
David provided the animals but I doubt he performed the sacrificial procedures himself.
So what grand takeaway can we extract from all of this?
David demonstrates the importance of being thorough and avoiding shortcuts in your obedience to God and His Word.
In this fast-food world we live in, we want everything fast and quick.
Unfortunately, that attitude has spilled over into how we worship the Lord.
To use a meal analogy, our worship has become the equivalent of instant microwaveable TV dinners—quick, convenient, and often lacking real substance.
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