Although David is a foreshadowing of the Messiah to come…
He wasn’t a spiritual leader per se.
During his reign, his objective was NOT to purify the Hebrew religion.
His goal was to unite all twelve tribes of Israel into a powerful sovereign nation.
Don’t get me wrong.
David loved the Lord with all his heart.
Yet his primary focus was on completing the mission Joshua had begun 300 years earlier.
After his reign, his son Solomon ascended to the throne, followed by a succession of kings.
Over the generations, however, the Hebrew faith began to weaken as false beliefs and foreign customs took hold
This happened because the people simply stopped obeying God’s Word.
They started following man-made rules and traditions instead.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Now here’s something else you’re going to find shocking.
It wasn’t until many years after David’s time that a lost Torah Scroll was found in a pile of rubble!
I’m not even kidding!
When the scroll was brought to the king and read to him, he was shocked by what he heard.
He realized how far Israel had fallen since the time of the great event at Mount Sinai.
King Josiah was so heartbroken that he tore his clothes.
He knew some serious changes had to be made.
To get the people back to the Torah, restore true worship, and renew Israel’s relationship with God, he made some tough decisions.
There’s a major takeaway here.
It was the rediscovery of the Torah that sparked a revival in Israel.
And that’s EXACTLY what’s needed for a dying faith today.
Ya feel me?
I leave you with these words from the Messiah himself:
“Do not think that I have come
to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish
them but to fulfill them.
For truly I tell you,
until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter,
not the least stroke of a pen,
will by any means disappear
from the Law until
everything is accomplished.
Therefore anyone who sets
aside one of the least of these
commands and teaches others
accordingly will be called least
in the kingdom of heaven,
but whoever practices and teaches
these commands will be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.”
-Matthew 5:17-19
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