So after many long years and many trials and tribulations, David has finally, finally been crowned the King of Judah.
However, when we take a good look at his coronation, we find the situation a bit mysterious if not downright weird.
See, here’s the question that arises.
Why in the world would one tribe (Judah in this case), wanna establish a king over them as opposed to just having a tribal leader or prince?
Under normal circumstances, each tribe had a prince over it.
The tribe was divided into clans with each clan having a leader over it…
Then, all of the clan leaders reported to the tribal prince.
Here’s the issue I’m getting at.
A tribe putting a king over them would result in LESS FREEDOM, not more.
It makes sense to have a king when you wanna establish a central authority to rule over many tribes…
But that ain’t what’s happening here.
So what’s the answer?
Why was Judah so interested in having a king over them?
Well, you gotta consider the bigger political picture.
See, the clan leaders of Judah were expecting a new king to be installed over the northern tribes, which were led by King Saul before he died.
Since there was no way Judah wanted a northern king over them, they decided it best to install their own king before the north did.
It was all about balancing the power dynamic…
And of course, they hoped in due time David would eventually rule over all the tribes with their tribe being the top dog on the block.
So here’s the takeaway I’m getting for today.
What we’re seeing happen here in chapter 2 is prophetic.
A son of David of the tribe of Judah is going to return to Jerusalem.
He will return as a conquering King…
But not over just his tribe Judah…
He will rule over all twelve tribes of Israel.
But his rulership won’t end there…
His authority and dominion will extend to the entire planet.
Heck, if you think about it, his spiritual kingdom already includes 2.6 billion believers around the world.
So he’s already well on his way to overcoming all dominion of the enemy.
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