Before heading into battle, Jo’av stands before the Israelite military and proclaims something we should all take to heart.
“Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”-2 Samuel 10:12
The coming battle was not about personal glory…
Nor about gaining riches.
Israel was defending the very towns and villages that comprise God’s Kingdom on earth.
Every Israelite no matter where they reside in the world today…
And every believer grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through their faith in the Jewish Messiah…
Needs to hear this message loud and clear.
The world keeps pushing Israel to give up its land to God’s enemies…
All for an empty promise of peace.
This enrages me and makes my blood boil!
But you know what’s even worse?
Many churches in America and beyond stand with the world instead of with Israel.
It’s because they’ve been poisoned with anti-Semitism!
Will the gentile church ever freakin’ wake up and repent?!
Will believers ever see that siding against Israel is one of the greatest acts of rebellion against God?!
Second only to rejecting His gift of salvation through Messiah Yeshua?
You know what else is unbelievable?
Many of Israel’s leaders support this demonic Two-State Solution!
They are willing to hand over half of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount.
And why?
Because somehow, they think it will lead to peace with the Palestinians, the very people who want to destroy them!
This is pure madness!
Both Israel and the Church need to wake the hell up!
The whole world, 90% of it, at least, wants Israel to give up huge parts of the Promised Land.
Lemme make it crystal clear.
If you call yourself a believer through your faith in the Jewish Messiah in any way, shape, or form…
It is your God-given duty to stand against that pressure.
Ya feel me?
We must defend Israel’s towns and villages…
Not because Israelis are perfect or something…
But because this is God’s Kingdom!
The Lord made it crystal clear in His covenant with Abraham…
The land belongs to the Hebrew people…
And no one else has God’s permission to take it.
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