Let’s talk a little bit more about the Arameans because they were the undisputed top-dog power in the region of North Syria during David’s time.
They had conquered large territories where their tribes grew into huge populations.
This enabled them to export their culture and their gods to the other tribes of that region.
This might seem like an interesting analogy, but it wouldn’t be inaccurate to say the Arameans held a position similar to the American Indians before the Europeans first landed on the North American continent.
My point is the Arameans were the original tribal landholders in the region.
So from their viewpoint, their battles were all about holding onto their ancient land heritage.
In the process, they likely took in many survivors from the different tribal fights that occurred in the area during the 12th and 13th centuries B.C.
So there’s no doubt that Aramean civilization was the primary culture in the North Syrian region at this time.
This influence was further bolstered by a favorable climate in the 10th century that contributed to their ability to produce crops which led to a strong and growing population.
This brings up a practical point.
The growth of any group of people always depends on their ability to produce food.
It was the same for the early settlers in America.
And it was the same for ancient Israel.
Why do you think God told the Israelites the land they’d be entering was a land “flowing with milk and honey.”
He was referring to the fertile soil and its ability to produce a ton of food, which would eventually lead to a population explosion among the Israelites.
Keep in mind, the good fortune of living in a fertile climate wasn’t always the case for folks who lived in Canaan, or other regions in Asia, the Middle East, and Northern Africa.
So, understand that nations grew or declined in population and power depending on their ability to feed their people.
Ya feel me here?
It wasn’t just military might.
At the end of the day, military muscle needs to be fueled by food.
Recall this was the case for the Israelites in Egypt.
Without realizing it, the Pharaoh let Joseph put Jacob’s family in the fertile Delta region of Egypt just when the climate got better.
In a place of rich soil, the Israelites grew from about 200 people when they first arrived in Egypt to around 3 million when they left 400 years later.
Interestingly, records show that the same favorable climate conditions were occurring in Mesopotamia, where the Assyrians lived at the time.
The Assyrian kings of that era (some mentioned in Scripture) said that their success in keeping the Arameans at bay was partly because of their ability to keep their people well fed.
Okay, so here’s the takeaway I feel the Lord impressing upon my mind today.
In a world that worships cold hard cash and the numbers in one’s bank account, today’s post is a reminder that wealth and abundance are so much more than just money.
If you have good health, for instance, you are a million times better off than a billionaire who has to live life out of a wheelchair.
If you have food you can put on your table today, as we’ve been discussing, you have received a blessing from God that nourishes your body and gives you the power to go out into the world and prosper.
And most importantly, if you have a relationship with the Creator through faith in His Son Yeshua, you have the hope of heaven which is worth more than all the wealth of the world’s kingdoms combined.
Ya feel me?
See ya all next time.
“The kingdom of heaven is
like treasure hidden in a field.
When a man found it,
he hid it again,
and then in his joy went
and sold all he had
and bought that field.”
-Matthew 13:44
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is
like a merchant looking for fine pearls.
When he found one of great value,
he went away and sold everything
he had and bought it.”
-Matthew 13:44-45
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