In our analysis of Israel’s political situation during the time of 2nd Samuel…
We’ve talked about Egypt.
We’ve talked about the Phoenicians.
But today let’s get back to Canaan.
This inevitably leads us to Israel’s conflict with Philistia.
Outside of a few Egyptian records, and minor details in the Phoenician record, the Bible remains our best source for what happened with the Philistines during this time.
We know David had greatly weakened this arch-enemy of Israel but he never completely defeated them.
Nevertheless, David was about to bring all of Canaan under his control in way that had probably never been seen before.
This was a special time in history for Israel.
Because powerful nations who could’ve been a threat to Israel had other priorities.
They were focused on building their trade, making alliances, and fighting the neighbors around them.
This meant Israel was left alone for the time being.
They had time to grow as a nation.
Of course, the Philistines remained a threat.
But don’t forget David had lived with them for 2 years.
As Al Pacino said in the Godfather movie…
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”
David had intimate knowledge of the Philistines.
He knew their strengths, weaknesses, and their war tactics and strategies.
He also knew their kings, military leaders, and weapons.
This knowledge helped David defeat the Philistines and focus on taking the land that God promised to Abraham and Moses.
He also focused on developing the nation.
So when his son Solomon came to power, he took over an Israel that was already stable, rich, and respected.
Not a bad inheritance to take over, don’t you think?
But having said all that, here’s an interesting fact that may surprise you.
As a unified nation, Israel never lasted more than one century.
This means many other nations throughout history have enjoyed much longer periods of peace than the Holy Land.
For example, America is much younger than Israel, yet as a united nation, they have been going strong for close to 200 years.
In fact, compared to most nations in the world, Israel is probably one of the most unstable nations on the planet.
The October 7th conflict is a perfect case in point.
I’ve had people question if Israel is God’s chosen nation, how can you explain this phenomenon?
I distinctly remember a co-worker saying the same thing about the Jewish people when I was living in San Francisco.
If they are God’s chosen people, why have they received such hostile treatment from the nations?
My answer is simple.
They experience so much conflict with the world BECAUSE THEY ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE HOMIE.
Satan doesn’t attack those who are on his side.
He attacks those who are against him.
And make no bones about it, if you are one of God’s chosen, you are on the devil’s hit list.
Today, I leave you with some Scriptures from the Hebrew Bible.
If you’re Jewish and going through some hard times, read these verses as a reminder.
Your God loves you with an everlasting love that will NEVER diminish.
And for those who hold to an aberrational theology that God has replaced Israel with the church or some other ridiculous notion like that, these verses are for you too.
Ya feel me?
“You made your people Israel your very own forever, and you, Lord, have become their God.” (1 Chronicles 17:22 NIV)
“And you established for yourself your people Israel to be your people forever. And you, O Lord, became their God.” (2 Samuel 7:24 ESV)
“This is what the Lord says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night… Only if these decrees vanish from my sight, declares the Lord, will Israel ever cease being a nation before me.” (Jeremiah 31:35-36 NIV)
“He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations, the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant.” (Psalm 105:8-10 NIV)
“But Israel is saved by the Lord with everlasting salvation; you shall not be put to shame or confounded to all eternity.” (Isaiah 45:17 ESV)
See ya all next time.
The converted Jews in Israel today are not God’s chosen people by genealogy, they are 90% Ashkenaz and Sephardic. Gen 10:2-5 said Ashkenaz are GENTILES and 2 Kings 17:24 Sepharvaim was brought to Samaria to replace the Israelites by the King of Assyria. Then why are they, Japheth living in the home of Shem and where are the original Jews? Gen 9:27 explained: God said Japheth is going to be enlarged and live in Shem’s home.
After the Romans conquered Jerusalem in 70 AD the original Jews went into Africa. “In his book ,The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66–70, the Roman historian, Flavius Josephus, stated over thousands of years ago,that the Israelites migrated into Africa. He writes:
“General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege”. Check out the Lemba Jews of S. Africa and Zimbabwe, the IGBO Jews of Nigeria where Negro land (kingdom of Juda or wyhidah) and the port where they took slaves from to America and the Islands and scattered us all over like God said in Deuteronomy 28:68,30,41
God said, “I will take you back again by SHIPS in Egypt (slavery – if you look at an American $1 bill on the back you will see a pyramid), you will offer yourselves for male and female slaves but no one will buy you (redeem you),
You will have a wife and another man will lie with her, you will build a house and not live in it, you will plant a farm and don’t eat the grapes of it.
You shall have children and not enjoy them because they shall go into captivity.
Deuteronomy 28:54, 66 – The man shall be evil towards his brother ( Black on Black crimes), he shall have his children and leave them ( single mother prevalent in Blacks) and your life shall be in doubt, fearful day and night and having no assurance of life (police brutality towards blacks).
Genesis 15:13 God told Abraham that his descendants will be in a strange land and be afflicted for 400 years and guess what? The trans-Atlantic slavery of black people lasted for 400 years. This is not talking about Moses exodus either because they weren’t in Egypt (Kemet) for 400 years but 430 according to Genesis 12:40.
Isaiah 11:11 and Deu 30:1-3 God said one day, I believe it’s going to be pretty soon, He is going to gather his remnant from North Africa, Ethiopia, Syria, Babylon, Islands of the sea ( Caribbean Islands and other) etc.
Daniel 7:9 The ancient of days, Jesus Christ, same Alpha and Omega In Revelation chapter 1, hair is like PURE WOOL (Black man’d hair texture). This is definitely talking about texture. If I say, “ your hair is like silk or wool” isn’t that common sense I’m talking about texture. Now if you study hair genetics you will learn that Wool hair are exclusive to BLACK people and if a Caucasian person have wool hair it’s actually considered a disorder calls, “Woolly Hair Syndrome” and I’m certain Jesus didn’t have a disorder. Click on the following 4 minutes video link of a caucasian rabbi admitting that Blacks are original Jews with proof.
Not sure about this. I think I disagree.
Your story begins with this line :”The converted Jews in Israel today are not God’s chosen people by genealogy,”, and already I’m wondering exactly what group of people you are trying to describe.
If your subsequent fairy tale is meant to be about actual humans, how on earth do you end up with Jesus having woolly hair, and” a caucasian rabbi admitting that blacks are original Jews “?
You’re welcome to your thesis, but you should be aware that one hole in it makes it as suspect as a needle in a balloon. Since you mentioned genealogies, maybe start by checking out those in the Gospels, paying attention to people like Tamar and Ruth and Rahab, who all seem to have been gentiles, regardless of colour …