Before we move on to the next chapter, just a few quick words about Esau and his descendants.
First, Esau’s descendants will come to be known as the Edomites, a group of people that will be in continual conflict with God’s chosen race.
The hated King Herod in the New Testament is an Edomite.
He is the one who will try to kill the messiah while still a baby by decreeing that all Israelite children up to the age of two be murdered.
In modern day terms, a large portion of the peoples residing in modern day Turkey are descendants from Esau.
Most Syrians and the Kurdish people of Iraq are descended from Esau.
Actually, it would not be inaccurate to say that a large part of the Muslim world has the blood of Esau flowing through their veins.
Finally, many Palestinians today recognize that they are descendants of Esau.
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi,
he was furious,
and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem
and its vicinity who were two years old and under,
in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.
-Matthew 2:16
This site has reawakened my interests and knowledge
Very educative.
Thanks for reading Dr. Tony Vadynizk.
It’s so theologically irresponsible for writers of this article to say that the Arabs are Edomites when the Arabs go back to Ishmael. Ishmael would be the uncle of Esau and Jacob. And it’s convenient for them to say that the Arabs are the Edomites because the Jew-ish people are claiming to be the chosen race of God. When in fact these Jew-ish converts are actually the Edomites. And that explains their racism against the so call African Americans. The first and biggest plantation owners were Jew-ish white people. This historical fact make these people such hypocrites because they will hunt down 96 year old German soldiers/affiliates and lock them up when they led the way for All nations to enslave the so called black hispanic and native americans people. Shouldn’t they be held to their own same standards. But that’s another story.
Esau is the so called Caucasian.
The Caucasians race fits ALL the prophecies and characteristics of their fire father Esau. And they have All the blessings that were given to him from our father Isaac, that they will be blessed with a warfare mentality and that they should have the fatness of the Earth. No one has more military bases in other countries than the Caucasian. No one has more military Strength than the Caucasian. No one has more countries under their rulership/colonization than the Caucasian.
So now the question is who are the people who they have hatred for and have oppressed, enslaved, murdered,raped,robbed, out drugs in their community,planned Parenthood in their community,Civil rights,Jim Crow, Willie Lynch , murdering their leaders, hanging young men and women,ect ..
Whoever these people are they are the chosen race of God.
Exactly, Esau are present day Whites not Arabs. Herod was an Edomite how tried to kill baby Jesus (Judah) and his people being killing the people of Jesus’s Tribe for years.
While what you said is true, do not forget that their is a marriage union between Ishmael and Esau. What does that mean in Bible prophecy against the people of God? They both will unit to destroy the people of God. Ishmael is Arab (Islam) and Edom is the world. Our focus should be the plan of God for salvation because we are not saved by the knowledge of what the enemy is doing but what God is doing. Today, like in the days of Noah, God is building a ark, but not the ark of wood but the ark of the word of God (eternal life) in men. It doesn’t matter what the world is doing but the building and and ark of God in a man.
I totally agree with yiur message. It is not just the House of Israwl (Hoise of Jacob – Hos 12 sins and the 2 sons of Joseph, it is also all those who are not a direct lineage from Jacob (the foreigner) who if the acknowledge and accept YAHVEH ( the SELF EXISTING ONE – the Etermal ﹰCreator of all- things and His “begotten, FIRSTborn SON of man, who HE named before Creation and promised would be sent at the appointed time as KINSMAN refeemer, manifesting the full GLORY of oir Father Creator Elohim, HIS character and essenc. (Justice and Rightousness – 7 attributes of Elohim) because he was obedient to.HIS speaking His Fathers WORD given him, also his actions. Doing what his/our Father told him to do. Its is NOT ABOUT RELIGION, what RACE, LANGUAGE, CULTURE, its above our RIGHTEOUS WALK on a daily basis obeying the WORD OF ELOHIM and NOT MAN. ( IIts about the being sevants/followers of our Creator Elohim, serving HIM and our fellow man revealing the GLORY and CHARACTER of our FATHER to a world living in darkness because of sin. To reconcile MAN beack to HUMSELF yhrough his SON Yeshua who had to DIE to pay the RANSOM as man ha sold into slavery to SIN. ENSLAVED to SIN, that we may be set FREE FROM IT. He is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY (YESHUA His Don who has been given ALL authority over ELOHIMS KINGDOM ON EARTH. Thank you Father our Creator of ALL and of ISRAEL (His kingdom). I am not born in America of yet a stranger from another place. To live there one must adhete to the Constitution of that Country/Kingdom. The same applies to those who wish to belong to Elohims Kingdom (there is no Jew, Gentile, slave or freeman, male or female) only those who are obedient and walk RIGHTEOUSLY as YESHUA his SON DID and accept his freely given SACRIFICE to restore things that our Creator Yahweh Elohim intended from the beginning.
You are right on point…..its only one group of people that has went through all of those horrors & we all know they are…..
Your statement about “Arabs go back to Ishmael” is a fallacy! Who was Ishmael‘s mother Hagar, who was Hagar Hagar was an Egyptian made servant. Egyptians are not Arabs. Arabs are a mixed people.
The commonly held view that Ishmael was the father of the Arab nations is not supported by the Bible, nor by other historical evidence.
ESAU married a Canaanite woman and a hit tight woman. None of them are related to Arabs.
Ishmael was in the wilderness of Parran, which is not in the Arabic peninsula. The Ishmaelites in their language was more consistent with Canaanite and Semitic Hebrew.
The stealing of the genealogy is the same stealing of the Israel Palestine conflict Muslims, coming in claiming something that doesn’t exist, historically manuscript or phonetically in attempt to claim validity.
You are forgetting that Esau had three wives.
Esau had 3 wives:
1. Adah the daughter of Elon the Hittie. The Hittie nowadays present day Syria and Levant (this includes Iran, Turkey and Mesopotamia – The Ottoman Empire).
2. Aholibamah the daughter of Anah (Hivite) (The Hivite are part of modern Day Lebanon)
3. Ishmael daughter (Islam). Ishmael was Esau Uncle. (Part of the Arab world)(The birth of the Islamic faith started from Edom – refer below.)
Esau bound himself by marriage to the Hitties, the Hivites (both Canaanite tribes) and the Ishmaelites (Islam). Hence why the blood of Esau also runs through the Arab world. Esau along with Ishmael were the forefathers of Islam. Esau is the forefather of Muhammed as there was a documentary by Dr Dan Gibson that the Forbidden City mentioned in the Quran was in fact Petra, Jordon and not Mecca. The first 100 or so mosques faced toward Petra and not Mecca. Petra is located in Edom.
The modern-day Palestinians can trace all their ancestries from the 3 marriages of Esau.
Sadly, your truth will be shouted down with cries of racisim.
It’s all the simple mindred have to refute this. The cancel culture simple minded seem to rule right now.
God’s children are not any specific ethnicity, they are those that have been converted— born again if the water and if the spirit and have been washed in the blood of the lamb—Jesus Christ. And these are the faithful that don’t just say Lord, Lord, but those that do and keep his commandments: they love, they forgive from the heart, they are meek and humble, they love their enemies, they hold to the truth no matter what, they have the attributes of their Father, God.
AMEM that’s it in a nutshell God bless you Mark.
The first slave owner in what would become the USA was a black man, last name Johnson.
Historical fact if you dare research it, like I did.
Then you go and live with your kind, to a place where you have perfect peace and harmony … move to Africa and make your home there. Leave the evil land of white people and never return. Good luck.
What an unkind comment! What he says is true, but I see no indication that he was criticizing USA. We can’t help what sins our ancestors committed; we can only accept their mistakes & learn from so as not to repeat them!
It has nothing to do with race – but biological descent via Rome and the Aryan people. Rome is spiritual Esau. Edom was both a name and a geographical location. Esau in the modern day is known to be Catholic Roman, Greek Orthodoxy, and Ethiopian church religions. Add neo-Nazis, Russia, and all virulent Jew-haters to the list. Esau differs from the Amalek, but both are doomed groups of Jew haters.
Not all white people are part of Esau, just as not all black people are Canaan or Kushite.
You a right about the descendants of Esau.
I just hope they stop their conflict & accept the Israelites as their brothers & make peace, because hating Israel will always have consequences, now until Jesus returns.
Remember: Israel is God’s Special Treasure & the Apple of His Eye, so whoever hates & hurts them is not fighting against human beings but against God Himself. And God will destroy the people who fights against Israel.
Amen! Thanks for reading Martha. Be blessed and shalom!
Are black people the chosen people of God,is that the reason they are the most hated race in the world.
Are blacks really the most hated race in the world? Some of my best friends are black.
That wasnt the question i asked,are the black race God’s chosen people they were slaves just as the Israelites were,maybe they were the black Isralites.
The Tribe of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin all escaped the Roman empire destruction of Israel and Judah. They went south to Africa and thrive in west Africa. For some unknown reason, Europeans historians do not want to acknowledge the nations of west Africa before 1400s. The people that settle in west Africa were the descendants of the tribe of Yudah, which also was called negroland. Nearby tribes teamed up with Spain, Portugal, and france to sell and capture the descendants of Judah into slavery. They fit the curses of Deuteronomy chapter 28, and still to this day African Americans aka slaves of Judah descendants are still treated like 2nd class citizens because we will not follow The Most High laws.
Why you can not answer a simple question like that, you imposter bastard.
We NEGROES (ISRAELITES) rule next. Destructions and plagues are coming on You gentiles nations, especially the Caucasians race are more virus on earth. You pale skin human hybrid wicked generations are the reasons planet Earth is in such bad condition today. Once you people in society all Nations accepted, or admitted the fact that the NEGROES are the true ISRAELITES God chosen people the world will be at peace with no more wars, famines, climate change etc….. So I urge y’all today to wake up, open y’all eyes and accept the Most High promise belong to the NEGROES scattered throughout the world. Watch out, the NEGROES MOST HIGH at works, He will causes more plaques and destructions on the enemies the other nations. TMH will soon send His son our Savior the Black Messiah to wipe out all these Satan agents who’s ruling this wicked WORLD, the Black Messiah will destroy all of you wicked world leaders Nephilim Neaderthel bloodlines. As this wicked WORLD coming to an end we so-called NEGROES must repent now and come back to our father Yahuah, we so-called NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are YAH chosen people the real true Hebrew Israelites, Jews according to Deuteronomy chapter 28 clearly prove the facts. We Negroes must wake up immediately to regain our Holy Bible, our only true history book, we need to regain our true identity, nationality, cultures and reconnect with our heritage. Romans 9:4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Salvation is for us NEGROES. Everything is promised to so-called NEGROES, five must important promises that belong to us are: 1 THE LAND OF ISRAEL (Jeremiah 3:18), 2 OUR SAVIOUR not every Nations (Act 13:22-24, Act 26:6-7), 3 SALVATION (Luke 1:68-71), 4 THE HOLY SPIRIT (Act 1:4-5, John 14:17), 5 ETERNAL LIFE (John 2:25). According to Deuteronomy chapter 28 curses now if you an Israelites need to follow the Most High YAH statutes, laws and commandments. We Israelites supposed to honour and do the Most High and His son Yahusha service, the other nations don’t have the assignment or the authority to do the service of the Most High…. We Negroes are the END and the BEGINNING for ETERNITY. Esau, the other nations are the END, 2nd Esdras 6:9. Warning: Today Esau Ishmael mingle seeds are the Arab Muslims nations are pushing hard to take over and they must END this wicked WORLD and Jacob us NEGROES will be victorious the BEGINNING of the World. We so-called NEGROES possess GOD ROYALTY DNA in our blood, 1/3rd of us are protected. The world was create for us NEGROES sakes and The Most High YAH is sending down His son the black Messiah to restore everything back to us, our identity, heritage, culture and nationality etc…. Hang on tight my peoples judgment day and more plaques are coming against our enemies those other nations. 1/3rd of us NEGROES will receive salvation, we must come back immediately to Abba YAH and repent, KJVA Bible. Zechariah 13:8-9 [8]And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. [9]And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. when you heathen nations, so-called white race admits the truths that the NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are YAH chosen people the real true Hebrew Israelites, Jews according to Deuteronomy chapter 28 clearly prove the facts. If you fake Jews, and heathen nations still refused to bow down and tell the truth judgment day and more plaques are coming against you. Revealetion 1:1,14-15 Yahusha Hamashiach not Jesus Christ, the Black Messiah is approaching down very soon with a two edges sharp sword to set all things in order, to plaques and kill His enemies those Atheists, those false Jews Jew-wish, those LGBT community etc…. And the Black Messiah will also destroyed those wicked high elites
leaders, politicians government systems worldwide etc… Revealetion 19. My people you so-called NEGROES scattered throughout the earth are Yahuah’s chosen people, and today I am warning you now it’s time to repent and it’s time to set your eyes away from Christianity, away from Jesus Christ AKA Cesar Borgia, away from the Virgin Mary, away from all these pagan Egyptian gods, away from
sun worshipping that is call worshipping false god and going to church on Sunday, away from all that, away from religion in general so if you are a Muslim, a Buddhist, Catholics whatever, it’s time to set your sights away from the evil that you are doing, that evil you’re commanded, the sins, and learn who your true Creator is who is yahuah. Repentant mean to turn away from sins, your transgressions, your iniquities etc that Yahuah the true Creator of heaven and Earth may save you and delivered you. And now how can you start, by starting to do your own research, get educated, stop believing the lies that all Christianity and the church, get out of that visual sun worshipping, get out of costume and circle and holidays of pagan worshipping, get away from all these other nations pagan gods, these gods of woods or stones, and yes I am talking about the cross, and get away from all of that. Get away from all evils of this world, be ye separate from the world and you must get into the truths immediately. Get into yahuah who is the truths and who will delivered you from your sins, because only YAH is salvation which is the Hebraic name of our Messiah Yahusha or some like to say in Arabic, and I am telling you this to say because you really seeking the truths out there, you really seeking the Most High, seek Yahuah, and He will lead you to His true that you will maybe forgiven of you sins and exaggerated from the coming judgment of this world, this nation call America and the other wicked nations that will not repent of her sins, America will not repent at all, she just think that she can do whatever she wants, can pass any laws that she wanted. Our enemies continuing to murder innocent Israelites, and think they going to get away with it, I am sorry to tell you this, but it’s time to wake up now and see the judgment seasons are here, I’m just letting you know when judgmentsget here, when that prophetic year strike the year 2019 I’m not fully saying it going to be in that year but it most likely will be considered that the prophesies He give that our creator give Yahusha once that judgment comes it will not be pretty, and if you are part of it because of your sins, because you have not sawed truths for yourself then I don’t know what to tell you and that is why I am here to inform you, I’m trying to tell you to get on the path of truths and righteousness for yahuah and His son Yahusha learn His laws, statues and commandments. Read the first five books of the Bible what you call Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers, and Deuteronomy. And study the commandments to the best of your ability and facts a good start would be the start with the ten commandments. Did you know if you stop going to these false church right now that you will in fact be following the fourth commandment by honoring the Sabbath that will be a start if you start honoring the Sabbath day which is Saturday and get out of their Church on Sunday you will start honoring the fourth commandment, just usingthe name Yahuah you honoring the 3rd commandment which is not to take His name in vain to use His true name, getting away from Christianity and the cross and the other religions and their pagan gods yes that included Allah you honoring the 2nd commandment which is thou shalt not having any Graven image or even other gods is the 1st commandment, if you get away from Catholicism and them Graven statues you the 2nd commandment and if you recognize who the true biblical Israelites are which are so-called NEGROES, so-called African American etc…. than you are following the 9th commandment and there are more and it does not stop there with the 10th commandment yes there are so many more and I’m saying this none of us can’t follow all 613 commandments today perfectly, we can be perfected thought yahuah He can perfected us He can lead us the truths and righteousness and if you’rewilling to do that I urge you to take that seriously, and do your research, read the Holy Bible, and ask our father Yahuah to help you inherite His new kingdom. The sooner the better for you get right with the Most High YAH today because time is now the 400 years are almost up. It will be worse on enemies the other nations as it was in the days of Egypt. My people our 400 years of captivity is coming to an end, we must pray YAH every day for Deliverance from this wicked WORLD. The Most High YAH still loves us NEGROES, and He don’t care about the other nations. Brother and sister we so-called NEGROES God chosen, we will inherite the new world, God did created the whole world for our sakes. KJVA Bible. Revelation 13:9-10 [9]If any man have an ear, let him hear. [10]He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints…………………………………………. 2nd Esdras 6:54-59 The Most High YAH is racist! He called you heathen nations SPITTLE.
Why don’t you tell me what you really think?
God be the Glory, I discovered amazig history apart from Bible. Now i know backgroung of Esau.
1.Esau man of this World
2.Jacob man of God.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲.
So, since some of your best friends are black, then that excludes them from being a race of people who are truly the most hated people on earth? Besides, your answer is not an answer.
du weisst doch, wer Gottes Auserwähltes Volk ist und die wahren Israeliten die 12 Stämme !!! Von diesem hier bekommst du deine Antwort nicht ! Dies sind die Tiere des Feldes ! nachkommen Kains und Esaus ! Samen des Teufels !!! Sie wissen es sogar und hassen uns dafür
Aber wir stehen auch unter Gottes Schutz solang Wir bei Ihm sind und Buße tun für unsere Übertretungen !!! Der Tag aber kommt schon sehr bald an dem Gott richtet die Tiere des feldes und EDOM/Esau komplett !!!
Also erst sein Hass, jetzt dein. Er ist ein Mann voller Hass, getrennt von Gott. Er ist verloren. Er hat das Evangelium nicht empfangen und ist zu bedauern, weil er jeden Tag der Hölle und dem ewigen Gericht im Feuersee eines Tages näher ist. Sie nennen menschen “Tiere des Feldes”. Du bist genauso voller satanischen Hass wie er. Die Liebe Gottes ist nicht in dir. Du wirst getäuscht, wenn du erwartest, mit deinem Ekel vor der schwarzen Rasse im Himmel zu sein. Viele von uns, die ihr “Tiere des Feldes” nennt, lieben den Herrn Jesus Christus und sind durch den Geist Gottes wiedergeboren worden. Wir lieben dich sogar mit deinem Hass, wenn auch mit der Hilfe des Heiligen Geistes. Bereue deine Sünden und bitte den Heiligen Geist, dich zu erfüllen und dir Liebe für alle Menschen zu geben, bevor es zu spät ist und du dich für immer von Christus getrennt fühlst.
I truely believe that they are with all my heart the whites know it and the devil also but the funny thing about it is the black race dont the white race think they are the superior race and thats a lie from the pit of will be known in the end that they are truely the apple of God’s eye until then we must love every body because God is a God of love.
Amen Amen,the truth shall be made known when he return when they look upon him,and our eyes are now being open to who we really are,Glory to GOD most high yes we must love everybody,another thing we are a forgiving race.that should tell you something right there.
Israelites are the only ones chosen by God. And Black people are not the most hated race in the world. That is the American media’s narrative.
Armina says: thank you for stating the truth! The American news are the modern day false prophets! A lot of Americans believe anything the fake news tells them because they are weak minded & lack a relationship with Jesus Christ. God bless you! Amen & Shalom.
God has ungrafted the Jews from the natural Olive Tree and grafted in the Gentiles. Why do you think Jews rarely have saving faith in Jesus?
Yes, you are right, the black people in this country came West Africa doing the transatlantic slave trade from the 1600 to the 1900 Jesus said that they will be spread across all nations and they will be hated by them.
Thank you Robert Davis for your reply ,was wondering was there anyone else thinking that to its all going to come out anyway was whats hidden in darkness it will come to light so again thank you,be blessed.
Wow, didn’t know God hated all races except blacks. Are you watching CNN for your Christian teachings?
I am not sure why Bible is being promoted to you. I know the God of my Bible loves every single person he has created. It is humans who have decided who gets into heaven or not?
I thought, regardless of your ethnic background, if you 1. accept The Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and that He died for your sins 2. ask for forgiveness and repent….your going to heaven.
Is this NOT in your Bible?
You flatter yourself that you are the Jews. And you deceive yourself. And no one believes you.
This is interesting:
For every 1000 people on earth, 185 are Negroes; only 2 are Jews
For every 1000 Nobel prize winners,, 16 are Negroes; but 216 are Jews.
Stop deceiving yourself, and be content. All men are created equal, in this sense: they are important to God, and they have opportunity to come to God. All do not have same abilities. All races are not equal. The Jews have apparently been given more ability to discover and figure out things; but part of that formula is that a people can CHOOSE to be diligent, and by that can make success and riches. Whereas, the slothful become poor. Hispanic come here with nothing, and within 5 years they have a car, a truck, a house, and they own their own small business; …and not because of “Affirmative Action handouts,” because they work hard. The Lord God doesnt like the CRT “Robinhood” formula. He likes the work hard formula, and the charity formula,
There’s only one race HUMAN race a day with so much hate in your heart I doubt that you are a follower of our Lord. You can quote scripture all you want because Jesus said ” by their fruits you will know them” and they will know that you are my disciple because you LOVE one another. Examine your heart, repent before its too late. Today If you hear His voice do not harden your heart There’s a lot of hurt un your life, let the Lord heal you
Study and you will find that blacks are part of the 12 tribes.
Judy, they are the only ones who fits the prophecies in deuteronomy 28, Genesis 15:13, etc…….. we can go on and on…….. Jeremiah 5:19 says why they went through those courses as well
Pork bologna.
How I hope this wish of yours can become real, but I have realized that it is impossible, firstly, the only one blessing Esau received from his father Isaac was sword to fight Jacob his brother, the same Esau went and married the daughter of Ismael (aligned)who also received equally the same blessing from his own father Abraham for attempted to kill isaac. Esau was killed by a grandson of Jacob, so they are taking venganceof his death. Secondly, a question, has the burden of Jacobs yoke upon Esau broken? I think not until it is broken there won’t be peace between them. But can it ever be broken?
Who is israel tho this post just goes around the question who is Esau today and we all know it no remorse for him and that is yall white folks yall going to be our slaves for what yall did to us jacob gods people aint go no where but to slavery and god did not forgive yall yall gotta be destory cause yall liers and rapist and destorys of the whole world as long as yall live
Let me tell you something, you racist: You criticize whites while we are not the ones keeping your slum neighborhoods a slum. You do the shootings, drugs, thefts, and crooked relationships along with the perverted music to yourselves. You rob each other; not the other way around. You do these things to yourselves way more than the nations around you. You hateful so-called Israelites – it’s no wonder why you’d be cursed anyway with how hateful you are to others without a cause. All these false accusations against us for your own sins.
Amen! I was a white minister in the worst part of Detroit they talk about white people being racist! There are a lot of Black people there that hate white folk I’ve had a gun to my head and I cannot count how many dogs were unleashed on me. Also all the names I was called! Black folk have got to quit following the Democratic Party and listening to the fake news!
thank you Lynn for the truth. Negroes are 13% of population, but do 38% of assault; 33% of burglaries 33% of vandalism; 72% of robberies. 42% weapons violations. BLM is a wicked organization, that is glorified by Woke deceivers. Why no ocean-going vessels (etc) built by african blacks in 1800? Negroes 13% of population. but 70% of NFL and 75% NBA!! But in other jobs when they’re not competitive, “Oh no! Affirmative Action! you’ve got to hire more blacks!!” Then the homosex want us to pretend they’re qualified for Holy Matrimony; and the transgender girls want us to pretend they’re men, . Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil Woe to them that call bitter, sweet. Woe to them that call black, white! People are tired of the lying. God doesn’t like it; Their mouths will be stopped. and woe will land on them.
I am a white American reading this unbelievable hate. Is this what the black God is about?
America has been completely taken over by a corrupt communist government. We have no say, we are captives of a corrupt disgusting government. We had no idea because we were never able to see outside media. Now that we know what the leaders of this country are all about, we abhor them. We fought a civil war to free the NEGROS, our forefathers bled for them, I resent the hatred of people based on skin color, you are truly deranged if you think the creator of all would speak that way. You were to LOVE your brother. Skin was never mentioned in the Bible. I have worked hard to never judge based on the color of skin. If that person calling whites names is correct, good for you. May Gods will be done. Thank God mans will is not the final say because man, no mater the color of his skin, will ALWAYS be EVIL. If you have hate in your hart for a skin color, You are ALL beyond EVIL. Sounds like someone knows that this COVID crap is genocide. I wonder which race it is genocide against. We shall have to look at the statistics to see who is dying in larger numbers. I will pray for forgiveness in my heart for your evil speeches. I am sorry that the white race and the American Elites have done horrible things. I beg my country to repent as do many of us, but we are silenced because we have been taken over by China and Russia, long ago. Many are lazy and useless because they took over our education system and lolled us to sleep with drugs, television, , sex, and the love of money. We are half mindless, but the other half knows exactly what is happening, but are unable to stop the Elites. If I pass, so be it. Gods will is my will.
I’m black. I love people of all races. Satan is trying to stir us up to hate each other. Doesn’t Scripture tell us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood? Our fight isn’t against people! These are the Last Days, and if we don’t have the oil of the Holy Spirit we won’t be able to love others, and we won’t make it into the Kingdom. It’s that simple– not easy, but it’s simple. The Race is to the one who endures to the end. Love the Lord your God with all your heart… and love your neighbor as yourself. The World is about to be shown the truth when the Sons of God are revealed. I want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant… ” Shalom.
i stand with you brother i am a racially mixed man native and Caucasian i’ve always been too native for whites or too Mexican for natives XD that’s a joke . but my whole life when people meet me they’ve focused on my race and not my soul i’ve slipped through the cracks with no guidance of a father an i believe yeshua will save my soul and will bring me peace but im seeing more and more of people using messiah to further some agenda you can tell who is anointed and who isnt. abandon hate abandon this earthly thinking i love you all as brothers and sister no matter how much you hate me i will love you like we shared a womb unlike jacob and esau let us pray before reading this it can poison your soul
Well said brother. Keep fighting the good fight.
Oh hogwash. Born again Christians are God’s chosen ppl not any race or ppl group. Read your Bible. Stop worshipping man “worship Jesus our Lord & Savior” ONLY
All born again of the Spirit of Yeshua are the Lord’s Elect be they Male or Female Jew or Gentile. They are of the Promised Seed which is Christ Yeshua first promised by God in GENESIS 3:15-16 and same Promised Seed Christ Yeshua God made to Abraham and to make him a father of many nations (People) GALATIANS 3:29
Modern day Israel is nuclear armed nation . The nation of Israel of Israel as a whole has been rejected and replaced with spiritual Israel who would be are part of a new covenant – Jeremiah 31:31
Edom/Esau is the Caucasion. Easy.
The Dukes. Small in number compared to the world.
Cruelty toward Jacob (Blacks, Natives).
Never having enough.
The ‘Eagle’ – Which has been used through Greek, Roman and Current rulers currencies.
Mount Seir – Look at the architecture!
du weisst doch, wer Gottes Auserwähltes Volk ist und die wahren Israeliten die 12 Stämme !!! Von diesem hier bekommst du deine Antwort nicht ! Dies sind die Tiere des Feldes ! nachkommen Kains und Esaus ! Samen des Teufels !!! Sie wissen es sogar und hassen uns dafür
Aber wir stehen auch unter Gottes Schutz solang Wir bei Ihm sind und Buße tun für unsere Übertretungen !!! Der Tag aber kommt schon sehr bald an dem Gott richtet die Tiere des feldes und EDOM/Esau komplett !!!
Blacks, Hispanics, and Native American people of today bare all the curses of Deuteronomy 28 , hence making them the chosen people of The Most High God.
And their oppressors (who represent the bald eagle) are at war with The Most High God.
Interesting point Blake.
The Hispanics are not part of God’s people, nor from the 12 tribes/ Do a little more research
There are black Jewish people in the world today and back then, however I have seen nothing in historical or Biblical history where there was one black tribe of Israel and there is no proof of this. The historical proof is that there were Africans who converted to Judaism and Christianity, but this is the same story for the Gentiles, Greeks and Romans. There are some Jewish people who are darker skinned than others, but they are not Africans, nor were there any large numbers of black Africans that converted to Judaism, but there were some. I doubt very highly and any members of this movement can truly trace their roots back to one of the Jewish Tribes of Abraham, possibly to the area, but unlikely to one of the tribes, Peoples who have been cursed for whatever reason have a desire to belong and who wouldn’t want to claim their way to God’s chosen tribe. It has already been stated that the Only way to the Father is through the Son Jesus Christ. So, instead of these people taking the route that God gave all people to become part of His people, they let the devil lead them down a path that is set in record and only has a very small place for them to search this out. Most of these people have just come up with this stuff in the last 20-30 years and did not think they were Jewish until someone with a slick idea, which is based in error, came a long trying to make it sound legit. It is not in history nor the Bible, so stop chasing error that you will never be able to prove in your lifetime and chase Jesus Christ and you too, will be Joint-Heirs with Christ and God’s children. Not separating and tearing down, but building up the entire Church. Then you can call yourselves the Black Messianic Jews, but in reality, you will will have been obedient to God and adopted by Him as children and no one can take that from you, ever. I am a white Christian and I truly love all races except for the sinful race. We need to stop fighting each other and join together to tell all men what Christ did for them on the Cross and stop chasing doctrines of demons, What if you were actually Jewish, have you kept all the Jewish laws and customs of your people, if not you were most likely kicked out of the Synagogue many years ago.
u guys are retarded….esau was the true chosen by birth right…why would God let fraud be his chosen people…..makes no sense….and jews are not chosen people of God or even israeli tbh….the german/scandinavian race seems like esau …..people who call them selves chosen people are vain and not rightous… the look at history its clear who was chosen to spread Gods message through christ was/is….the facts dont lie….judah….babylonian seed today…no wonder they hate esau….the killer of evil…u guys think backwards…
I don’t understand some of the stuff you said. But I sure agree with you in regards to how backwards some of these people are. They talk about how evil ‘whites’ are while they do the perverted rap, thefts, shootings, robberies, sexual perversions, and drug abuse to their own neighborhoods. It’s not the other people around them – whites nor hispanics – doing all this stuff. And they talk about how they want to kill or perhaps enslave everyone that’s white in the future. EVEN IF they were God’s chosen people, it’s no wonder why they’d be cursed. There’s a reason for the saying, “There goes the neighborhood.” It’s not that whites are good, nor blacks bad. It’s that these people are very ungodly even if they were God’s chosen people; and yet they talk about us being Satan himself. Notwithstanding the fact that outside America they slaughter each other in tribal wars. They take after the evil of their fathers apparently. All races have had wrongs against us, but their whole community is laced with evil yet they play saints who are victim to us?
It’s a spirtual thing,so you wouldn’t understand,but one thing for sure we have to love every one if we don’t we will not see GOD now thats something you can bank on.
Jeannie Jeffries, amen!
This article is rubbish scripture teaches that Yahuah is not an Elohim of partiality , He does not favor one race over another
Ham is the progenitor of all dark skinned people. Look at the table of nations. You black folk are from Cush. Get over it. Even as recent at the later Roman Empire, people were shocked when they saw Ethiopians, and assumed they looked like that from being charred by the sun. You are not semites and never have been. The Philistine (Hamite) giant with dark skin mocked David for his ruddy complexion. Ruddy complexion has always meant fair skin. Sure you can find pictures of reddish-black faces on google, if you’re looking at sites of other blacks trying to be Israelites, but ruddy complexion has always meant fair. The Edomites are still where they were in those times- dry, desolate areas. The insistence of you blacks who woke up sometime last week and decided you’re Israelites would be funny if it didn’t speak so loudly about how unhinged, detached, and averse to reality you are. No wonder Ham was such an *sshole
Zondervan Bible Dictionary does NOT say that Ham is the progenitor of “all” the Dark Races.
Ham is the father of the INDIGENOUS so-called AFRICANS, but not the NEGROES. From ALL the races and ethnicities on this earth are from NOAH’S THREE SONS.
KJV 1611 GENESIS 10:2-5 are the sons of JAPHETH/YAPHETH and his descendants. Research the names, and you will find that they are all Indo-Europeans and Europeans, located in the “ISLES OF THE GENTILES.
Ham is already identified by scriptures and the Zondervan Bible Dictionary, they are the Dark races that are the so-called Africans. Today most of North Africa are mixed with the European colonizers and some are straight up YAPHETH. Just like in America, the face of the Native Americans are replaced by the descendants of European colonizers. In a few hundred years from now (if the world still exists) White people will claim to be indigenous to the Americas.
Africa is the MOTHERLAND. From AFRICA is why YOU are here.
Having said that, we Know that YAPHETH is the father of the so-called white People.
HAM is the progenitor of the AFRICANS UP NORTH
but not the NEGROES.
That’s because the first people created in the Garden of Eden located in Africa, was so-called BLACK people
The descendants of the TRANS-ATLANTIC Slave Trade are the people of the BOOK. We fit the CURSES of KJV 1611 DEUTERONOMY 28:15-68… and NO OTHER PEOPLE!
David was a Black man. Ruddy is actually, reddish-brown. In fact, Africa is a continent and we all don’t look alike. A black woman can birth a baby that look white, with her black husband. But a white woman cannot give birth to a black child by her white husband. If that ever happened, that DNA results will clearly say he’s not the Pappi.
Jacob is the Blacks, Esau are you white people.
KJV 1611 Genesis 25 describes the animosity between the two til THIS DAY.
David’s wife REBEKAH was soooo uncomfortable with her pregnancy.
Esau was red and hairy, but get this. Why did they describe Esau being RED and hairy, but they did not describe how JACOB/YACOB looked?
The German/Scandinavian race are from Japheth, settled there since before Esau was born, and that would be the last place Essu would end up.
i do believe there is a chosen people and they are israel…just think theres more to it then what we know…like chosen, for what? i know there is alot of incorrect info out there…for one, the idea of judiasm is a religion and people have converted to it….but that does not mean they are blood of israel…so how do we know…and if people mix race’s does that not break the covenant, and create a curse?
Gods chosen and land of Canaan (promised land) were picked as a precursor to the new covenant…the whole world is saved through Christ after he became the new blood covenant replacing the animal sacrifices…they’re still his chosen people and country til the end comes…we as gentiles are grafted in…spiritually we are all children of a God. But don’t let that go to our heads, he can remove the grafted branch from the tree…new covenant to include the gentiles…the land and his chosen still stand!
Galatians 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
2028 End dot com
read the 12 stones on the gates of heaven only Israels name is on those mail boxes not every body…….
one word “amen”
GOD chose Israel, the Jewish people to pen the gospel and to take it to all of the nations. Paul was a Jew, chosen to take the gospel to the gentiles and he did that very thing, even though he was persecuted for it. The gentiles became Christ followers and most of them tried to make the Jewish people give up their Jewishness and began to kill and destroy the Jews, even to this day. The Jewish people do not have to give up their traditions in order to be a Christ follower. YESHUA, “JESUS” came to the Jews first as a Jew, He’s still a Jew and will come back to Jerusalem to the Jews, as a Jew and establish the “Promised Kingdom” in Jerusalem. All “true” Christ followers will be raptured before the seven year tribulation. This includes Jewish Believers. There will be Jews that will call on the NAME of the MESSIAH during the tribulation and will be protected and saved. DNA can prove who is a Jew and the GOD of ISRAEL knows who they are.
I am glad to have gotten through all the other rubbish to find this rational response. Someone has studied the Bible and rightly understands it.
There are no secrets of Christ return for his saints” every eyes shall behold him” and there will never be a taken away before his arrival except death…. 1 Thessalonians 4 13-18
No Paul was a Benjamite, studied Torah under the Rabbi’s.
Correct. Nor do gentiles have to be circumcised or follow the law of Moses to be saved. Acts 15:24-29 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth. For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.
Acts 15:24-29
You are believing a lie, there is NO pre-tribulation rapture, only those twisting scripture teach a pre-tribulation rapture. Paul was a Benjamite and studied under Gamaliel, but he was not Jewish (Tribe of Judah) by birth.
The truth of the whole matter is that we are all from the same root ,why then are we killing ourselves, I think we should all live in peace to make the work a better place .
We are all from same root is correct, but the creator of that root has a special people called yisariah(Yisrael) this is according to his choice. Two nations exist in this word; the nation of Yisraiah and the gentile nations, both will be saved all who believe in the creator AHAYAH and his son YASHIAH, but Yisraiah first and then the gentiles, this is the order according to his choice.
The offer is first made to the Jews; historically and as a priority. True. 2 priorities. But not 2 godies. The dispensational doctrine that there will be 2 bodies of the redeemed in Heaven; a Jewish body, and a Gentile body of redeemed, – is heresy.
To Robert Pryor: While I understand your statement on Jan. 14th about descendants of Judah moving into West Africa and being sold as slaves to America, I can’t bridge the application of applying Deuteronomy 28 specifically ONLY to the black race, especially when Paul emphatically states that we are all spiritual Jews under the blood of Christ. Furthermore, breaking the laws of Deuteronomy 28 are not confined to any race for today. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. To confine the curse of sin to just black people is spiritual genocide. Sin has marked all of humanity. So if all of humanity is a cesspool of sin, how are black people signaled out to be a cursed people? Your comments sound as fictitious as the old Master telling the slave that because we Ham was cursed, so are we. However, we know that isn’t true either.
Palestinians are NOT children of Esau! That’s if he existed in the first place.
Palestinians are descendants of Canaanites and prophet Ismail.
Also your article is full of errors.
The black people are from Shem. The white people from Japheth. The yellow (eastern) people from Ham.
and yes the people with all 3 skin colors mixed together. Arabs, etc, whatever you want to call them. Esau. They were always the ones coveting the holy land and have fought blood and toil for it for centuries. Esau married 2 caananite women, a hittite, etc. So there’s mixed skin color. And if you look at middle eastern skin colors they do look different than other parts of the world. Some of them look white, but some look like a mix between white, yellow, and black. Makes sense when they are in the middle of the earth between the continents.
I don’t really care about the esau thing though. But we know that the Chinese are the ham/cannan people because it said that they’d be a servant of servants. That means they’d make all our stuff? who makes all the crap on the earth? The chinese without a doubt. They are also smaller people. Black and white people are much taller. There is your direct answer without a doubt.
For more historical analysis of this. Nimrod was from canaan. He was a chinese/eastern world ruler. Each of the races has held world power. Its just now the whites turn. The blacks held world power under the biblical rulers like King Solomon and etc. The whites expanded into Jerusalem after the death of Jesus and established territories over the whole earth through bloodshed and conquest. Then ever since the white people have created huge world wars and are dieing off and set to be a minority in the next 10-20 years.
The situation on the races was ordained by God. he gave every race their time period and benefits. and made some servants and others not. This is the “curse”. If God willed it. Who can stop it? And so even to this day many can’t do anything about it. Sadly the blacks were the last ones with world power. And Satan hates them the most because they held God’s prophets. So the blacks shifted from the world’s most wealthy and elite into the highest poverty centers in the world. Look at Africa today.
Esau is the end of the world. So that will be the last race to rule after the whites. This is coming soon.
Race isn’t something to be fought over. Your born with it. you have to deal with it. Jesus, God almighty. Accepts everyone that will believe in his incarnation Jesus Christ and himself as the one who ascended to heaven being the only sinless lamb of God. We are all cursed to die because of our sin and we will have to die with faith or go to hell because this is God’s will. The unrighteous and flesh and blood cannot inherit heaven.
Peace and love. There is no reason for war. Jesus died because he spoke the truth and no1 wanted to receive it. The unrighteous take the kingdom by force. the world is ruled with force. don’t be apart of it. only the innocent will be rulers in the next life. this is God’s will be done.
“Rom (9:8) In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.”
It doesn’t matter what race you are. Not all descendants of Abraham are truly his children. His true children are children of the promise. Physical decent is irrelevant, and arguments about it are sure to divide. Look at the hate and anger in some of the comments on here? We are all bonded like slaves to sin, sin used the law to seize us. By the grace of God He redeems us through his Son. Israel had the word and it will be in the state its in until Jesus returns. Until that moment the Gospel will be proclaimed to the gentile world, then at a pre-appointed time Israel will be fully restored.
If you go back far enough we all have common ancestors. The only blood line that matters is the line of the promise. Abraham was seen as righteous because he believed that God would do what he said, his faith made him righteous. God made a covenant with Abraham. With Jesus came the wine of the new covenant. Jesus paid the price for our sin and those that believe are acceptable before God, no longer under the law but under the spirit. Those that believe (as Abraham did) are children of the promise, and that is why Abrahams descendants will be as numerous as the stars. Gen 26:4
Deuteronomy 28:68,now what people did he say would be brought over to Egypt with ships that sounds like the black race the white race will never ever admit it,we are the most hated race and the devil know it,the good news is that whoso ever call upon the name of the LORD will be saved thats how for giveing our GOD is and loving..
Ham is the progenitor of all dark skinned people. Look at the table of nations. You black folk are from Cush. Get over it. You are not semites and never have been. The Philistine (Hamite) giant with dark skin mocked David for his ruddy complexion. Ruddy complexion has always meant fair skin. Sure you can find pictures of reddish-black faces on google, if you’re looking at sites of other blacks trying to be Israelites, but ruddy complexion has always meant fair. The Edomites are still where they were in those times- dry, desolate areas. The insistence of you blacks who woke up sometime last week and decided you’re Israelites would be funny if it didn’t speak so loudly about how unhinged, detached, and averse to reality you are. No wonder Ham was such an *sshole
why so much confusion about the true idenity of the edomite? why every time something goes wrong it is always pointed toward the black skinned people? It appears to me there is some bias going on just because the color of ones skin. there have been lies form the beginning of time about Jesus, and the color of his skin. all you have to do is look at the region in which he was born,and time line and his descendaants. WordPress is a lying schematic entity, that takes people money when it is convient for them
Obadiah 1:18
“The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau stubble; they shall burn them and consume them, and there shall be NO SURVIVOR FOR THE HOUSE OF ESAU, for the LORD has spoken.”
Do you believe the COMPLETE Bible is The Word Of God?
God Bless
This is my first time on this site after searching for what became of Esau’s descendants. I appreciate the information and incite.
I also appreciate the dialogue in the ‘comments’ section – with the exception of the hateful comments. God sees all people as one race – the human race. He is not a respecter of man. He does not care about our outward appearance – he cares about the thoughts of our hearts.
All this hatefulness needs to stop. It is the work of Satan – and not of our Heavenly Father, Who became flesh so that we may understand the importance of love and acceptance of each other. Why do you think Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites?!
God’s Word makes it very, very clear that Israel is His chosen people. Period. Gentiles…all gentiles of every nation, tribe and tongue…were grafted in and redeemed upon acceptance of Jesus…Yeshua Ha’Mashiac….Who will return as our Lord of Lords and King of Kings to rule ALL people who believe in Him and OBEY His commands in faith and endurance. The greatest command? Love God. The second greatest? Love our neighbors as ourselves.
All you folks bickering over skin color are apparently not reading God’s Word – or you are reading it with an uncircumcised heart. I pray you repent and return to The Lord in faithful obedience. Do keep in mind that God’s House as many mansions…and that each and every one of us will stand before The Lord’s judgment throne to be held accountable for the thoughts of our hearts. Praise God…and Maranatha.
YHUH – eberith (pure language) restored Name – Yahuah; Yahusha His Son, and Ruach Ha’Qa Dash (His set apart spirit). Strong’s 3068 in Scripture almost 7,000 times. Yahuah means “I deliver’ and Yahusha means ‘I deliver’ and ‘sha’ means salvation. Leviticus 23 – YHUS’s feasts including Sabbath, which are in alignment with the 7 branch menorah. YasharAL – the paleo Hebrew eberith language – each has a meaning. However, Isis = Ra = El (Israel) is saying three mnighty ones, thus, breaking YHUH’s 1st commandment. YasharAL is the correct name for YHUH’s followers. If you love me, then you will obey my commands, thus the virgins with oil who enter shamayim – follow YHUH’s commandments.
I will say this. The most high will come here and he as the father will reveal who his children are and expose those that say they are. I don’t understand why everyone is fighting about it. We ALL about to see this go down live, in living color. A lot of lies have been told. Yes, black people have their issues just as every other race. However, our crimes are no more than any other race. We commit crimes at or near the same percentage per capita as every other race, per FBI reports. “Black on black crime” is a term to have devilish white folk escape their own crimes against EVERYONE on earth. It’s not just blacks. Esau’s descendants are showing their ass all over the planet. How you go into other countries and take from them, impoverish them, subjugate them; Haiti very wealthy but for France being the colonizing demons they are with the US backing- make the small country of slave rebels pay over 100 trillion dollars because they dared to fight to be free. And other people feel the need to gain white approval by stepping on blacks. The foolish Asians should’ve asked black folk they would’ve learned that blacks were not the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action- white women hold that title, as they do with the feminist movement. Now affirmative action is down the Asians looking crazy because while they addressed the “black higher learning upper-hand myth”, the crazies forgot they are still working in jobs they are over qualified for under white less qualified managers. Indigenous people NEVER needed white colleges or white miseducation. They are fine HBCU’s that indigenous children can attend to and thanks to #45 the state HBCUs are now equally funded as the white schools. We can thrive independent of white folk sir. Indigenous people don’t need whites; ex: Tulsa, Redwood and other thriving black cities totally segregated with mean spirited hating whites pissed off because regardless of their ignorant laws they still managed to spin indigenous dollars ELEVEN times within their own community before it left. Yes, Tulsa was burned to the damn ground out of pure white hate. A lot has happened to us over white hate and the truth is; the issue is deeper than the skin; it’s tribal. Instead of arguing over it; let’s understand that our ancestors did lots of lying and scheming- yours included “if you are Caucasian”. Children pay for the sins of their fathers/mothers. We ALL do and the descendants of Esau today I feel so sorry for because most just want to move on and get along with everyone. But for their hating ass older family members in the way. BTW I am not African American I am indigenous native to this land the Caucasians stole aka “conquered” and renamed American. I can explain my roots very well. I know EXACTLY who I am and where I came from. Just think about what I said. Don’t take it as a rebuke but more of a reminder that Caucasian historically are far from innocent and do have ALOT to pay for. I am so sorry. It’s just what it is. I will pray for your souls. And you pray for mine too because we might all be wrong hell.
That was one huge racist rant.
We see the first covenant with new eyes now through Yeshua by the Spirit of life. All men have sinned and have fallen short from Genesis to Revelations. The scriptures are not conveying blood lines, race or history at all although these details are presnt. Gods word is revelation of Jesus Christ Yeshua HaMashiach. The scriptures are conveying life in Christ alone and no other. We see the insulation and blockade throughout the human race ingested in the garden of Eden induced by tge serpent. Men began to live in the flesh with no divine life, leading to death, war, hate, corruption infecting all men everywhere. Yeshua has always had a plan to rescue, save, redeem all men although all men wont be saved because they love darkness more than they love the light, this is the judgment. Satan divides men according to clans, tribes, races, cultures, colours, wreaking havoc amongst and in men because they are image bearers of Yeshua, he satan replacing Yeshua as the God of this flesh world. Through Yeshua men can be reconciled to God only through His precious blood, no other way and that includes race, culture, history etc. The belief you are chosen because of race is a trap, a bloodless without repentance false salvation, Yeshua opposed this while walking amongst us in the flesh confronted by the religious priests etc. He said you think you think you are Gods people because you search the scriptures but dont you know they speak of me (paraphrased). Salvation is if the Messiah alone. He paid a terrible price for your salvation, do not neglect such a great salvation. The way is open, the blood has been shed, past tense, trust in Yeshua alone, not self, not man, not race. All men and races, tribes, cultures have committed terrible atrocities throughout a very long history much lost to time. God favours only His son Yeshua so if you are not in Him you need to be no more, no less. The serpent is turning tribe against tribe, country against country before the beautiful but terrible day or night when Yeshua’s soon return will occur. We will all face judgement and every idle word will be scrutinised and held to account. A great white throne judgement for those not in intimate right relationship with Yeshua. Yeshua died, was crucified because of all mens sins, not some, he didnt resist or fight or complain but counted it joy.
Trust in Yeshua and His complete finished work upon the tree (cross) and eat now from the tree of life – Yeshua.
The scriptures are spiritual. You need the Holy Spirit or you are blind, deaf, lost and not a child of God. Repent, turn to Yeshua and call upon His name. You know who you are, Yeshua draws you to Himself for salvation. Good news. We preach Christ and Him crucified, blood shed, died, buried, raised the third day, ascended and now seated at the Fathers right hand side overcome all things, enemy under His feet. Trust in Christ.
Galatians 2 :20.
1Peter 2:9.
John 8:12.
Yeshua is the word, the aleph and the tav. Genesis to Revelations the living word of God.
It is unbelievable to me how people can read the bible and not see who the children of Esau are today. They are plain to see as it says in the book of Jeremiah (he will not be able to hide himself, his seed is spoiled, and his brethren, and his neighbors, and he is not. Very plain revelation and I did a detailed article on it along with several videos.
I savour, result in I found exactly what I was having a look for. You’ve ended my 4 day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye