The Muslims claim that Ishmael is the founder and father of Islam.
We have been carefully studying the Torah from chapter one of Genesis and have already read for ourselves that not only is Ishmael not the father of Islam (a religion that wasn’t even in existence), but Ishmael is not even the father of all the Arab peoples.
In addition, Muslims also claim that that the Jews and Christians have corrupted the Bible texts.
So they claim that the Bibles we now have in our possession are incorrect and should say that it was actually Isaac who was rejected as the child of promise instead of Ishmael.
Well, let’s take a look at the objective and undeniable facts to see if these notions hold any water whatsoever.
The religion of Islam was introduced by the prophet Mohammed.
Mohammed was not even born until 600 years after the birth of Yeshua the Messiah.
The last book of the Old Testament was written 1000 years before Mohammed was born.
The last book of the New Testament was written five centuries before Mohammed was born.
By the time the religion of Islam was formed, the Roman Catholic Church was already well established in both Europe and Asia
We have the dead sea scrolls which are the oldest actual scriptural writings of the Hebrews from before the time Yeshua was even born.
These dead sea scrolls are on display in Jerusalem for all to investigate and verify the veracity of the writings for themselves. Rest assured they fully agree with the Bibles we all have and study in our homes.
So I’ll tell you right now that any assertion that the Jews and Christians deliberately altered the Holy Scriptures with devious intentions in mind is ludicrous beyond the pale!
How can the Jews or Christians have been part of a devious plan to alter the Scriptures in response to something that didn’t even exist?!
There are only two ways to know God.
By His name, Yahweh or Yehoveh and by His character or His attributes.
God’s name in the Jewish bible and His characteristics alone separate Him from the god of Islam and the Koran.
The God of Islam commands that Muslims win converts by the sword.
However, the Holy Bible commands us to win converts by love and sacrificing our lives in the process if necessary.
In addition, the god of Islam does not have a messiah.
They claim that Yeshua is just another prophet in a line of prophets and Mohammed is the final and greatest prophet.
When the President of the United States and prominent Christian leaders claim that Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God, such a claim has to be denounced for the terrible lie it is.
The descendants of Ishmael were villagers and herders.
They had a rural lifestyle.
Some were farmers and some were desert wanderers and traders.
They did not hold to the concept of inventing or producing things to earn a living.
Their whole lifestyle was based on taking taking from others.
The reason many Muslim countries are some of the most backward and undeveloped countries in the world is because this “steal from others to get wealth” mentality is still at work.
There is little concept of producing and selling something to gain wealth.
When the Muslims attacked Europe in 711AD, it was European wealth they were after, not the European or Western way of life.
Even today, Islam is at odds with modern civilization because it still retains a very insular and tribal identity.
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