For Isaac’s sacrifice, God commanded Abraham to go to the “Land of Moriah” to a certain mountaintop that would be pointed out to him.
Over a thousand years later, King Solomon built YHVH’s temple on this very site.
It stood for about 400 years until King Nebuchadnezzar’s armies destroyed it sometime in 587 B.C.
It was rebuilt 70 years later by the Jews returning from their captivity in Babylon.
But destroyed again by the Romans in 70 A.D.
All that remains is the remnant now known as “The Wailing Wall“.
The Bible prophesies that YHVH’s temple will be rebuilt again.
An event, that I believe is right around the corner.
Mount Moriah is now one of the hottest pieces of real estate on the planet, an area sacred to millions of Christians, Jews, and Muslims around the planet.
There are two conflicting views concerning the location of Mount Moriah:
Mount Moriah is where Yeshua was crucified.
Mt. Moriah is where the Temple used to be and will again be built someday. This is the location where the Islamic shrine called the Dome of the Rock currently is.
So which one is correct?
My opinion (and again I stress that this is just my opinion), is that the Jewish interpretation is 100% correct and the Gentile interpretation could be correct.
First, there is strong Scriptural evidence that Solomon’s temple as well as the second temple were built in the precise area where Abraham sacrificed his son Isaac.
“Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father; for which provision had been made in the Place of David, in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.”-2 Chronicles 3:1
Second, who would know better and be able to maintain a firm grasp of the correct location of Mount Moriah over the centuries than the Hebrews?
I have no doubt that the Jews are correct in asserting that Mount Moriah is YHVH’s temple mount location.
Now the biggest argument against Mount Moriah NOT being the place where Yeshua was sacrificed is based on the assertion that Mount Moriah was located INSIDE the walls of Jerusalem.
However, the Scriptures make it clear that Yeshua was crucified OUTSIDE the walls of Jerusalem.
So they draw the conclusion that Yeshua could NOT have been crucified on Mount Moriah.
The problem with this assertion is that the boarder walls of Jerusalem do not cover ALL of Mount Moriah.
So based on this technicality, the Gentile interpretation could in this sense be correct.
However, one thing for sure is that Yeshua’s crucifixion occurred OUTSIDE the walls of the city of Jerusalem.
Understand that this fact alone rules out the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Jeremiah’s Grotto as being the location of Yeshua’s crucifixion.
For the high priest brings the blood of animals into the Holiest Place as a sin offering, but their bodies are burned outside the camp. So too Yeshua suffered death outside the gate, in order to make the people holy through his own blood. Therefore, let us go out to him who is outside the camp and share his disgrace.–Hebrews 13:11-13
This is an article on this very subject I found on nearly two decades ago. I cannot be more specific as.time is a struggle for me due to medical reasons. I am not saying I believe everything he believes and write as to be 100% true, but he is worth reading and pondering on this subject. Be blessed as your study continues and your understanding of Yah’huweh increases.
Hi Get Toshav.
Thank you for the information source and your encouraging comment.
I pray that the presence of HASHEM will continue to be with you and give you victory over your medical issues.
The Roman guard saw the curtain tear on the temple, so is it possible he was crucified on mount of Olives which looks straight into the east gate and into the entrance of the temple?
I am not a protestant, nor a Jew, but a Baptist, a born again Christian and I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. I believe what the Bible teaches us true in every point. When it teaches that Jesus was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem at the place of the skull, that settles it for me. Golgatha cannot be misunderstood by anyone who wants to know the truth.