In a previous post I mentioned that it is not so easy to conform every manifestation of God in the Scriptures to the limited teaching of the trinity.
Second, I also mentioned that the teaching of the trinity has the tendency to impart the idea that God can be separated into three different pieces.
Like when Yeshua was walking around here on planet earth, two-thirds of God the Father was left remaining up in the heavens.
The point I made is that instead of thinking of these three manifestations as three different “pieces” of God, it is probably better to think of them as different “attributes” of God that work in complete harmony with each other, not independently of each other.
The son only does what the Father does.
The Son cannot do anything separate from the Father.
The reason?
The Son is a manifested attribute of God Himself.
So in this sense, the Son is God Himself.
I know this is a very difficult concept to understand and to be quite honest with you, I’m having difficulty explaining it in words right now.
Yeshua said it best in the following statements.
“He who has seen Me has seen the Father.”
“I and my Father are one and the same.”
“As my Father works, so also I work.”
Let’s see how this concept applies to this story of Isaac being sacrificed.
Notice that Abraham and Isaac went up together to the sacrificial alter.
The Father couldn’t perform the sacrifice without the Son and the Son’s perfect obedience.
And of course, the Son could not be sacrificed minus the decision of the Father to do so.
BOTH are necessary.
They work in complete harmony.
However, the Father is NOT the Son.
Isaac was NOT the same person as his father Abraham.
Likewise, Yeshua did not say that He and the Father are identical in physical human form.
Yeshua was still accountable to God the Father – the Source!
Rather, Yeshua and the Father have essential unity together.
Yeshua enjoys the exact unity of nature and actions with His Father.
The religious leaders clearly understood this and tried to stone Him for blasphemy.
So r they separate entities? Also there is more to God then the three. Theirs also the seven Spirits of God & so much more that we don’t even no yet! In my opinion the trinity is putting God in a box. If I’m wrong about any of this, please feel free to let me no.
Hi Karen,
Yes. I would say they are separate entities in a physical sense but in terms of mind and spirit, they are definitely one and the same.
I totally agree with your statement that the trinity puts God in a box!
Thanks for sharing!