Take a look at these English phrases: “I dunno…” “Whaddaya think?” “I wanna go!” “I’m gonna do it!” Now if you’re a native English speaker, I’m sure at first glance you wouldn’t have any problem deciphering the above. However, if you’re NOT a native speaker, I’d have my doubts. For example, I’m living in Japan […]
Archives for January 8, 2023
1S-INTRO-7: The Professor Who Destroyed The Critics Who Say The OT Is Corrupt
Today I wanna introduce someone to you from my neck of the woods (ethnically speaking that is). His name is David Toshio Tsumura. He’s currently the Old Testament professor at Japan Bible Seminary… He’s also the chairman of the Tokyo Museum of Biblical Archaeology and editor of Exegetica: Studies in Biblical Exegesis. Earlier, he served […]