“Then the army of Israel went out to attack Binyamin and set up their battle line in front of Giv‘ah. But the army of Binyamin came out of Giv‘ah and slaughtered the army of Israel; on that day 22,000 men fell.”-Judges 20:20-21 Ever prayed to God about what to do in a certain situation? And […]
Archives for September 2022
JU20-6: How Can We Hear God’s Voice Today?
“The army of Israel began by going up to Beit-El, where they asked God, ‘Who should go up first to attack the army of Binyamin?’ Adonai said, ‘Y’hudah first.‘”-Judges 20:18 Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, so Israel went up to Beit-El (where the Tabernacle was located) to ask God how to fight the war against Benjamin. […]
JU20-5: It Isn’t Necessary To Place Geographical Restrictions On How We Communicate With The Father
The 11 tribes of Israel had prepared 400,000 soldiers to war against the rebellious Benjamin… Which means Benjamin was outnumbered almost 20 to 1. It’s also interesting to know that the 400,000 soldiers were only two-thirds of the army originally led by Joshua. So backup troops could be supplied if needed. Next we’re told the […]
JU20-4: Benjamin Decides To Protect The Unlawful Rapists In Their Territory
“Instead the people of Binyamin gathered themselves together from their cities and went to Giv‘ah to fight the people of Israel.”-Judges 20:14 So 26,000 eligible soldiers have gathered to fight against Benjamin. When I say “eligible”, I’m referring to men anywhere between the ages of 20 and 50. Anybody under 20 or over 50 was […]
JU20-3: One Biblical Concept Westerners Find IMPOSSIBLE To Grasp
There is one part of the Bible that Westerners do NOT understand at all. I’m not exaggerating. It’s almost impossible for them to wrap their heads around this one concept that plays such a key role in the Scriptures. What am I talking about? I’m talking about Tribalism. This is an ancient and oriental mindset […]