“They were relaxing, when suddenly some men from the city, good-for-nothings, surrounded the house and began beating at the door. ‘Send out the man who came home with you!’ they demanded of the old man whose house it was. ‘We want to have sex with him!‘”-Judges 19:22 If there’s any one scene in the book […]
Archives for September 4, 2022
JU19-4: Is It Not Our Duty To Invite The Unsaved To Come Into The House Of Lord?
“In time, at nightfall, an old man came from his work in the field. He was from the Efrayim hills and was staying in Giv‘ah, although the residents were of Binyamin. The old man looked up, saw the traveler in the city’s open space and said, ‘Where are you going, and where are you coming […]