“There was a man from the hills of Efrayim named Mikhay’hu. He said to his mother, ‘You know the 1,100 pieces of silver that were taken from you — you pronounced a curse about it, and you told me about it? Well, the money is with me. I took it.‘ His mother said, ‘May Adonai […]
Archives for August 2022
JU17-5: The True Origins Of The Religion Of Judaism
Yesterday I made the point that both modern Christianity and Judaism have cherry-picked parts of the Word they preferred and cast aside the rest. I lambasted Christianity for adopting the false doctrine that the Law has been done away with or “nailed to the cross” as they like to put it. However, today let’s shift our […]
JU17-4: How Mankind Cherry-picks The Parts Of Scripture They Like And Discards The Rest
“…as he restored the 1,100 pieces of silver to his mother. Then his mother said, ‘I solemnly dedicate this money of mine to Adonai, in order for my son to make a carved image overlaid with silver. So now I’m giving it back to you.’ But he returned the money to his mother, and she […]
JU17-3: How You Live Your Life Determines Your REPUTATION (Name)…In This Life And The Next
“There was a man from the hills of Efrayim named Mikhay’hu. He said to his mother, ‘You know the 1,100 pieces of silver that were taken from you — you pronounced a curse about it, and you told me about it? Well, the money is with me. I took it.’ His mother said, ‘May Adonai […]
JU17-2: One Verse In Scripture That Sums Up The Entire Bible
“At that time there was no king in Israel; a man simply did whatever he thought was right.” -Judges 17:6 A reminder here folks. The whole purpose of the Book of Judges is to demonstrate to not just Israel but the entire world that mankind needs a king to rule over them. Don’t pay attention […]