“The P’lishtim asked, ‘Who did this?’ They answered, ‘Shimshon the son-in-law of the man from Timnah, because he took Shimshon’s wife and gave her to his best man.’ Then the P’lishtim came up and burned both her and her father to death.”-Judges 15:6 Oh man, things just keep going from bad to worse between Samson […]
Archives for July 2022
JU15-3: The Paradoxical Nature Of The Lord That Has Baffled Theologians For Ages
“So Shimshon went and caught three hundred foxes. Then he took torches, tied pairs of foxes to each other by their tails, and put a torch in the knot of every pair of tails. Then he set the torches on fire and let the foxes loose in wheat fields of the P’lishtim. In this way […]
JU15-2: How God Uses Our Free Wills To Accomplish His Own Divine Will
“Her father said, ‘I really thought you hated her altogether, so I gave her to your best man. But her younger sister — isn’t she even prettier? Why not take her instead?’ Shimshon said to them, ‘This time I’m through with the P’lishtim! I’m going to do something terrible to them!’”-Judges 14:2-3 Samson was a […]
JU15-1: How Marriages In The Ancient Middle East Were Transactional And NOT Based On Love
Today we begin Judges Chapter 15. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. “But after a while, during the wheat-harvest season, Shimshon went to see his wife. He brought a young goat for her and said to her father, “I want to go to my wife in her […]
JU14-12: A Part Of Scripture The Church Is Quick To Dismiss And Sweep Under The Rug
“Then the Spirit of Adonai came over him powerfully. He went down to Ashkelon, killed thirty of their men, took their good clothes, and gave them to the men who had “solved” the riddle. He was boiling with rage, so he went straight up to his father’s house, and his wife was given to the […]