There are 3 parts of Samson’s character I think we can all resonate with. FIRST, although Samson was blessed with incredible physical strength, mentally he was immature, acted like an uncontrolled child and in many ways abused the supernatural strength the Lord had given him. But are we not the same whenever we abuse our […]
Archives for June 2022
JU13-3: Hebrew Culture Had So Thoroughly Merged With The Philistines That Their Pottery Was Identical
The Mystery Babylon religions have always posed a serious threat to the Israelites. And of course, this included the pagan practices of the Philistines whose ways were no less tantalizing. Let me give you an idea of just how far Israel had fallen from the Lord in terms of obeying His instructions to be separate […]
JU13-2: How Israel’s Relationship With The Philistines Resembled America’s Occupation Of Japan In WWII
I want to try and explain why it’s not entirely accurate to use the word “oppression” when referring to the Philistines during Samson’s time. See, here’s the thing. While it’s true they did hold supreme control over the region they were inhabiting, they didn’t purposely lord their power over the Israelites or try to exterminate […]
JU13-1: Samson Was Active At The Same Time As Samuel
Today we begin Judges Chapter 13. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. Finally, finally, the time I’ve been expectantly waiting for has arrived! From today we’re gonna begin our study of one of the most famous Biblical characters of all time…let alone out of the Judges. Movies […]
JU12-7: The REAL REASON Why A Ruler Took Many Wives
“After him Ibtzan of Beit-Lechem judged Israel. He had thirty sons, and he had thirty daughters whom he sent abroad; he brought thirty women from abroad in to marry his sons. He judged Israel for seven years. Then Ibtzan died and was buried at Beit-Lechem.”-Judges 12:8-10 The Judge who came after Jephthah is Ibzan. However, […]