“There was a man from Tzor‘ah from the family of Dan, whose name was Manoach; his wife was barren, childless. The angel of Adonai appeared to the woman and said to her, “Listen! You are barren, you haven’t had a child, but you will conceive and bear a son. Now, therefore, be careful not to […]
Archives for June 2022
JU13-8: The Huge Gap Between How Rabbinical Judaism And Christianity Views Samson
“There was a man from Tzor‘ah from the family of Dan, whose name was Manoach; his wife was barren, childless. The angel of Adonai appeared to the woman and said to her, “Listen! You are barren, you haven’t had a child, but you will conceive and bear a son.“-Judges 13:2-3 Each Judge we’ve studied so […]
JU13-7: Indifference Towards Sin Can Be More Dangerous Than Open Rebellion Towards God
“Again the people of Israel did what was evil from Adonai’s perspective, and Adonai handed them over to the P’lishtim for forty years.”-Judges 13:1 The opening verse of Judges Chapter 13 starts with the typical announcement we’re given before each new judge cycle: “Again the people of Israel did what was evil from Adonai’s perspective…” […]
JU13-6: Samson And Samuel Were Active At The Same Time
Before we dive into our text study of Judges Chapter 13, first, an important reminder concerning when certain events took place in the Bible. Here’s the deal. The adventures of Samson took place some time from around 1070 B.C. to 1050 B.C. This almost to a tee overlaps with Samuel’s era when Eli was the […]
JU13-5: The Difference Between One Who Is Led By The Spirit And One Who Is Led By The Flesh
Let’s talk about the Apostle Paul in comparison to Samson for a sec. Because as believers, I think there’s much we can learn by comparing and contrasting these two men’s lives. Here’s the thing. Both men were chosen by God. And both experienced worldly temptations. But how they responded to these temptations was radically different. […]