“There was a man from Tzor‘ah from the family of Dan, whose name was Manoach; his wife was barren, childless. The angel of Adonai appeared to the woman and said to her, “Listen! You are barren, you haven’t had a child, but you will conceive and bear a son. Now, therefore, be careful not to […]
Archives for June 19, 2022
JU13-8: The Huge Gap Between How Rabbinical Judaism And Christianity Views Samson
“There was a man from Tzor‘ah from the family of Dan, whose name was Manoach; his wife was barren, childless. The angel of Adonai appeared to the woman and said to her, “Listen! You are barren, you haven’t had a child, but you will conceive and bear a son.“-Judges 13:2-3 Each Judge we’ve studied so […]