“The men of Isra’el said to Gid‘on: ‘Rule over us, you, your son and your grandson, because you saved us from the power of Midyan’. Gid‘on replied, ‘Neither I nor my son will rule over you; Adonai will rule over you.‘”-Judges 8:22-23 Verses 22 and 23 of Judges Chapter 8 reveals something astonishing. You probably […]
Archives for April 2022
JU8-15: The Connection Between Moon-God Worship And Islam
“Then Zevach and Tzalmuna said, ‘You, do it. You, kill us. Let a grown man do what takes a grown man’s strength.’ So Gid‘on got up and killed Zevach and Tzalmuna; then he took the ornamental crescents from around their camels’ necks.”-Judges 8:21 Verse 21 of Judges Chapter 8 says something REEEAAALLLY interesting that’s quite […]
JU8-14: It Was NOT The Norm For The Victors In A Battle To Kill The Kings They Captured
“Then he said to Zevach and Tzalmuna, ‘Tell me about the men you killed at Tavor.’ They answered, ‘They looked like you, like a king’s sons.’ Gideon replied, ‘They were my brothers, my mother’s sons. As surely as Adonai is alive, I swear that if you had spared them, I would not kill you.‘”-Judges 8:18-19 Oh […]
JU8-13: Gideon And The Value Of NEVER Giving Up (Part 2)
You know what I find amazing? The fact that the biggest source of Gideon’s discouragement and disappointment did NOT come from the enemy. Instead it came from his own Hebrew brothers and allies. His own fellow Israelites were more concerned with maintaining the status quo and not having anything interrupt their comfortable lifestyles than helping […]
JU8-12: Gideon And The Value Of NEVER Giving Up (Part 1)
Today I wanna talk about Gideon and the value of NEVER giving up no matter what. That’s right folks. I’m talking about good ‘ole teeth-gritting persistence here. Which seems to be a quality sorely lacking in this fast-food, microwave and video game world we live in today. So here’s the unvarnished truth on the matter. […]