Starting from today and over the next couple of days I’m going to be extracting some golden nuggets from the story of Gideon that we can apply to our own lives. So let’s get started with golden nugget number 1. It is this. When God is in charge and stands with Israel, there is literally […]
Archives for April 2022
JU8-20: How Gideon Was Different Than Any Judge Who Came Before Him
“But as soon as Gid‘on was dead, the people of Isra’el again went astray after the ba‘alim and made Ba‘al-B’rit their god. They forgot Adonai their God, who had saved them from the power of all their enemies on every side; and they showed no kindness toward the family of Yeruba‘al, that is, Gid‘on, to […]
JU8-19: If You Laugh At Those Who Believe In The Devil, Satan’s Got You Exactly Where He Wants You
“Gid‘on became the father of seventy sons, because he had many wives.” -Judges 8:30 Yesterday I talked about how Gideon welcomed the lifestyle of a king even though he declined to become one. Verse 30 is even more evidence to this fact. We’re told he became the father of 70 sons because he had many […]
JU8-18: The Not So Admirable Aspects Of Gideon’s Character
“Gid‘on replied, ‘Neither I nor my son will rule over you; Adonai will rule over you.”’ Then he added, ‘But I have this request to make of you, that each of you would give me the earrings from the booty you have taken.’ For the enemy soldiers had worn gold earrings, like all the other tribes […]
JU8-17: It Is In Mankind’s God-given Nature To Want A King To Rule Over Them
Israelite society changed in a very significant way during the time of the Judges and especially during Gideon’s time. What do I mean by that exactly? I’m referring to Israel changing their mind about wanting a king to rule over them. They began to realize that if they wanted to not only survive but thrive […]