“Gid‘on got there just as a man was telling a comrade about a dream he had had: ‘I just now dreamt that a loaf of barley bread fell into the camp of Midyan, came to the tent and struck it so hard that it overturned the tent and knocked it flat.‘ His comrade answered, ‘This […]
Archives for March 2022
JU7-4: Faith Only Grows In Situations Of Extreme Discomfort!
“Adonai said to Gid‘on, ‘There are still too many people. Have them come down to the water, and there I will screen them for you. If I say of anyone, ‘This one is for you,’ he will go with you; and if I say, ‘This one is not for you,’ he won’t go with you.’”-Judges […]
JU7-3: If You Want To Be A Soldier For The Kingdom, You Must Possess These Two Characteristics
“So he brought the people down to the water, and Adonai said to Gid‘on, ‘Put to one side everyone who laps up water with his tongue the way a dog does, and put to the other side everyone who gets down on his knees to drink.’”-Judges 7:5 Gideon’s original army of 32,000 soldiers has been […]
JU7-2: Why You Shouldn’t Be Surprised When Other Believers Sin And Let You Down
Oh irony of ironies!!! Gideon tested God twice with the whole laying the fleece on the threshing floor affair. Now it was God’s turn to test Gideon back the same number of times (twice). The Lord looks at Gideon’s army and tells him he has way too many troops. Why in the world would God […]
JU7-1: The Real Reason Why The Final War To End All Wars Is Called ‘The Battle Of Armageddon’
Today we begin Judges Chapter 7. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James Version, click HERE. “Then Yeruba‘al, that is, Gid‘on, and all the people with him, got up early and set up camp by ‘Ein-Harod; the camp of Midyan was north of them, by Giv‘at-Moreh, in the valley.“-Judges 7:1 Verse […]
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