“Gil‘ad lives beyond the Yarden. Dan — why does he stay by the ships? Asher stayed by the shore of the sea, remaining near its bays.” -Judges 5:17 Verse 17 tells us that Gilead (referring to Gad) lives across the Jordan River. This one little sentence speaks volumes about the current situation of the 2 […]
Archives for February 2022
JU5-25: Why Reuben Is A Tribe We Should NOT Admire Nor Emulate
“The princes of Yissakhar were with D’vorah, Yissakhar, along with Barak; into the valley they rushed forth behind him. Among the divisions of Reuven they made great resolutions in their hearts“. -Judges 5:15 Verse 15 goes on to say that Issachar volunteered to fight the good fight. And then we get to Reuben… …where a […]
JU5-24: All Believers, Whether Merchant Or Soldier, Are Called To Be Warriors For The Lord’s Kingdom
“From Efrayim came those rooted in ‘Amalek. Behind you, Binyamin is with your peoples. From Makhir the commanders marched down, and from Z’vulun those holding the musterer’s staff.” -Judges 5:14 The part in verse 14 mentioning the tribe of Zebulun is another one of those head-scratchers. The Complete Jewish Bible says… “…and from Z’vulun those […]
JU5-23: Sooner Or Later The Land Of Israel Is Going To Affect EVERY Person On The Planet
“From Efrayim came those rooted in ‘Amalek. Behind you, Binyamin is with your peoples. From Makhir the commanders marched down, and from Z’vulun those holding the musterer’s staff.” -Judges 5:14 Yesterday I talked about how the Tribe of Manasseh also went by the name Makhir because Manasseh’s firstborn and only son was also called Makhir. Now […]
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