“Ya‘el will be blessed more than all women. The wife of Hever the Keini will be blessed more than any woman in the tent. He asked for water, and she gave him milk; In an elegant bowl she brought him curds. Then she took a tent peg in her left hand and a workman’s hammer […]
Archives for February 2022
JU5-35: There Is No Neutrality With God When It Comes To His Chosen People Israel
“Ya‘el will be blessed more than all women. The wife of Hever the Keini will be blessed more than any woman in the tent.” -Judges 5:24 In verse 24, the focus shifts away from the tribes of Israel towards the brave wife of Hever the Kenite. And boy oh boy the words Devorah has for […]
JU5-34: How Judaism And Christianity Differ In Their Understanding Of ‘The Angel Of The Lord’
“‘Curse Meroz!’ said the angel of Adonai, ‘Curse the people living there with a bitter punishment for not coming to help Adonai, to help Adonai against the mighty warriors.’” -Judges 5:23 It’s no secret there’s a huge theological divide between how Judaism and Christianity views certain events and phenomenon in Scripture. And the so-called MALACH […]
JU5-33: The One Angel In The Bible That DOES Accept Worship From Humans
“‘Curse Meroz!’ said the angel of Adonai, ‘Curse the people living there with a bitter punishment for not coming to help Adonai, to help Adonai against the mighty warriors.’” -Judges 5:23 Verse 23 presents us with two baffling challenges. FIRST, who or what in the heck is Meroz? SECOND, who or what in the […]
JU5-32: Why You Should NEVER Follow The Majority
I wanna show you something interesting about the Song of Devorah. In this most recent battle against Canaanite oppression, here’s a list of the Israelite tribes that decided NOT to participate. They were… 1/2 of Manasseh Reuben Gad Asher Dan… …and… …Judah. Keep in mind that Manasseh was called Makhir and Gad was called […]