“And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord: and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years.” -Judges 6:1 From today and then stretching out over the next 3 chapters we’re gonna be doing a deep dive into the story of Gideon and his family. I think you’re […]
Archives for February 2022
JU6-2: The Ungodly Are Like A Cancer That Unless COMPLETELY Removed Will Destroy You
You know what they say about cancer, right? You have to catch it early and surgically remove it from your body before it gets bigger and bigger and causes some real damage. The same goes for ungodly people. Those who the Apostle Paul calls out as being the sexually immoral and the drunkards. We’re told […]
JU6-1: Unless God Intervenes, We Seem Doomed To A Life Of Sin
Today we begin Judges Chapter 6. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. For the King James Version, click here. From this chapter, we officially enter the beginning of the 2nd half of the period of the Judges. Recall that it was only a short 3 chapters ago when we began our study of Othniel, […]
JU5-38: The Peace Israel Received In Any Generation Was Directly Connected To Their Obedience To God
“‘May all your enemies perish like this, Adonai; but may those who love him be like the sun going forth in its glory!’ Then the land had rest for forty years.” -Judges 5:31 Finally, finally, today we finish up the Song of Devorah and with that Judges Chapter 5! Boy that was a slog! Yet there […]
JU5-37: How Our English Bibles Mask The Real Meaning Of This Graphic Hebrew Verse
“Sisra’s mother looks out the window; peering out through the lattice she wonders, ‘Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why are his horses so slow to return?’ The wisest of her ladies answer her, and she repeats it to herself, ‘Of course! They’re collecting and dividing the spoil — a girl, two girls […]