“Then the angel of Adonai came and sat under the pistachio tree in ‘Ofrah that belonged to Yo’ash the Avi‘ezri. His son Gid‘on was threshing wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from Midyan.”-Judges 6:11 God’s cycle of deliverance begins with the appearance of the MALACH YAHWEH or the Angel of the Lord. […]
Archives for February 27, 2022
JU6-11: Have You Been Brainwashed Into Thinking Homosexuality Is A Legit Lifestyle?
Yesterday I was talking about syncretism and wanna continue that discussion a little bit more today by giving you a perfect example of just how evil it is. WARNING: Major politically incorrect content ahead. I know I’m dating myself here but there was actually a time in my life when I had no idea what […]