“The Kishon River swept them away, that ancient river, the Kishon River. O my soul, march on with strength! Then the horses’ hoofs pounded the ground, their mighty steeds galloping at full speed.” -Judges 5:21-22 In verse 21, we’re given an awesome demonstration of the Lord using the forces of nature to accomplish His Will. […]
Archives for February 8, 2022
JU5-30: Our Unseen Allies In The Heavens
“Kings came; they fought. Yes, the kings of Kena‘an fought at Ta‘anakh, by the waters of Megiddo; but they took no spoil of silver. They fought from heaven, the stars in their courses;“ -Judges 5:19-20 Let’s go ahead and examine the next two stanzas of the Song of Devorah. First, let’s take a look at […]