“Then the angel of Adonai came and sat under the pistachio tree in ‘Ofrah that belonged to Yo’ash the Avi‘ezri. His son Gid‘on was threshing wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from Midyan.”-Judges 6:11 Sometimes just one isolated, seemingly insignificant verse or phrase in Scripture can speak volumes. That’s exactly what we […]
Archives for February 2022
JU6-12: The Angel Of The Lord Is NOT Some ‘Pre-incarnate Christ’!
“Then the angel of Adonai came and sat under the pistachio tree in ‘Ofrah that belonged to Yo’ash the Avi‘ezri. His son Gid‘on was threshing wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from Midyan.”-Judges 6:11 God’s cycle of deliverance begins with the appearance of the MALACH YAHWEH or the Angel of the Lord. […]
JU6-11: Have You Been Brainwashed Into Thinking Homosexuality Is A Legit Lifestyle?
Yesterday I was talking about syncretism and wanna continue that discussion a little bit more today by giving you a perfect example of just how evil it is. WARNING: Major politically incorrect content ahead. I know I’m dating myself here but there was actually a time in my life when I had no idea what […]
JU6-10: How The Temptations Of Satan Sneak Up On Us Unawares
I wanna revisit a concept we’ve talked about in the past because it’s so darn relevant to what’s going on here in the Book of Judges. This idea can be expressed in one word: Syncretism. What is syncretism exactly? The dictionary definition is as follows: “the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or […]
JU6-9: Why Is God Always Our Last Resort Whenever We Get In Trouble?
We continue on with our study of the 5th cycle of the Judges that begins with the chilling words “But the people did what was evil from the Lord’s perspective”. What makes these words even more terrifying is the fact they’re coming AFTER Israel had been delivered from the oppression of an enemy. An oppression […]
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