“When leaders in Israel dedicate themselves, and the people volunteer, you should all bless Adonai.” -Judges 5:2 I wanna show you something interesting in verse 2 from Judges chapter 5. Take a look at the part where it says “you should all bless Adonai”. First of all, “bless” here does NOT mean what we typically […]
Archives for January 2022
JU5-6: The Hair On A Man’s Head Was A Symbol Of Strength And Purity In Ancient Israel
“On that day D’vorah and Barak the son of Avino‘am sang this song: “When leaders in Israel dedicate themselves, and the people volunteer, you should all bless Adonai.” -Judges 5:1-2 From today, we’re going to begin our verse-by-verse study of the Song of Devorah. Without any further ado, let’s get right to it. The first […]
JU5-5: The Church Today Is Just As Broken As Israel Was During The Era Of The Judges
Scholars have a heck of a hard time making heads and tails out of the Song of Devorah. Why? Because as I mentioned yesterday, it’s a song that reflects a short slice of Hebrew history far separated from our modern day culture and languages. It’s filled with a ton of words and phrases that would […]
JU5-4: How Would An Ancient Israelite Interpret An Eminem Song?
There are 2 reasons why we shouldn’t take a cookie cutter approach to interpreting the Bible. Reason 1: We’re centuries separated from the culture and language of the ancient Middle East. Reason 2: There are many different forms of literature present in the Scriptures. It’s Reason 2 that I wanna focus on in this post. […]
JU5-3: In All Of Israel’s History, Which Generation Of Hebrews Was The Most Godly?
The Song of Devorah is a patriotic song of victory and freedom as well as an anthem celebrating a great moment in Israel’s history. And not only that, this poem also summarizes how man falls into sin and what he must do to be delivered. Now as with all parts of Scripture, it’s important to […]