Today let’s talk about leadership. Specifically, the type of leadership the Bible approves of and more importantly… …the kind of leadership it flat-out condemns. In the Song of Devorah, Devorah blames Israel’s messed up situation on the passive, complacent and self-serving leadership of Israel’s tribal chiefs and leaders. She doesn’t blame outside circumstances or the […]
Archives for January 27, 2022
JU5-17: Judges Sets The Stage For Israel’s Ungodly Desire To Have A Gentile-like King Rule Over Them
Before we dive back into our verse-by-verse study of the Song of Devorah, let’s take a quick breather today and go over some important points you need to have at the front of your mind so you don’t get lost in the weeds. FIRST, one of the key things I want you to get is […]