Let’s talk a little bit more about the true Biblical meaning of the word “tribulation”. In the “Old” Testament, the word for “tribulation” is LACHATS in Hebrew. And in the New Testament, the word is THLIPSIS in Greek. The proper meaning of the word is “to apply pressure”. And that pressure can be either great […]
Archives for December 2021
JU2-22: The True Meaning Of The Word ‘Tribulation’ Your Pastor Never Told You (‘Cause He Doesn’t Know)
“But then Adonai raised up judges, who rescued them from the power of those who were plundering them. Yet they did not pay attention to their judges, but made whores of themselves to other gods and worshipped them; they quickly turned away from the path on which their ancestors had walked, the way of obeying Adonai’s […]
JU2-21: How Modern Day Israel Continues To Disobey God’s Clear Commands
Listen, I know I’ve been hard on and have leveled a lot of criticism towards the modern gentile church and how there’s a direct parallel between their un-kosher ways and the apostasy described in the Book of Judges. However, if the truth be told and in all fairness, Modern Israel is just as guilty. Here are […]
JU2-20: In Ancient Times, Temple Prostitution Was As Common As McDonald’s Is In Our Day
In my last post I talked about the 3 reasons why Israel fell from grace in the Book of Judges. However, there’s actually one more reason. And it’s a BIG one. It can be summed up in one word: SEX. This is something most pastors, preachers or teachers won’t often talk about. But it can’t […]
JU2-19: The Lord Can Turn Around ANY Situation No Matter How Hopeless
Today let’s quickly go over the 3 main reasons for Israel’s fall from grace in the Book of Judges. FIRST, the priesthood and the sacrificial system had completely fallen apart. This happened because the tribes of Israel had fallen into a state of disunity. Things had reached the point where they had even begun to […]
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