“But the people of Israel again did what was evil from Adonai’s perspective, so Adonai strengthened ‘Eglon the king of Mo’av against Israel, because they had done what was evil from Adonai’s perspective.”-Judges 3:12 In verse 12, we’re introduced to the final part of the repeating cycle of a Judge. And that is after deliverance, […]
Archives for December 2021
JU3-11: God Gave A Judge The Power To Conquer His Gentile Enemies Throughout His Entire Lifetime
The last time we met we discussed how God’s Spirit comes upon a man versus covering a man. I even introduced 2 different Hebrew words to describe these 2 different phenomena: HAYYAH (הָיָה) and LABESH (לָבַשׁ). But what about the New Testament phenomenon of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of a man? What I can say is this: After […]
JU3-10: What A Bruce Lee Fight Scene Can Teach Us About Being Filled With The Spirit
I wanna continue our discussion about the Holy Spirit. This is a topic that should not be left up to academics or Bible teachers to instruct us. Because a good majority of pastors and teachers (especially from the Christian camp) promote the idea that being filled with the Spirit means ONLY expressing the maple syrupy, […]
JU3-9: How The Holy Spirit Connects Us From The Physical Plane To The Spiritual World
“The spirit of Adonai came upon him, and he judged Israel. Then he went out to war, and Adonai gave Kushan-Rish‘atayim king of Edom into his hands; his power prevailed against Kushan-Rish‘atayim.”-Judges 3:10 Today and over the next couple of posts, I wanna talk about the Holy Spirit. We’re told the spirit of Adonai came […]
JU3-8: Israel’s Judges Were More Like Military Saviors Than Actual Judges Who Sat In Courtrooms
“Therefore the anger of Adonai blazed against Isra’el, and he gave them over into the hands of Kushan-Rish‘atayim king of Edom-Naharayim; and the people of Israel served Kushan-Rish‘atayim eight years. But when the people of Isra’el cried out to Adonai, Adonai raised up a savior for the people of Isra’el; and he rescued them; this […]