Today we begin Judges Chapter 3. For the King James version, click here. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here. After a mighty loooooooooooooooooooong slog through Judges Chapter 2, today we finally, finally dive into Chapter 3. I’m telling you, since this little known book of the Scriptures is so jam-packed with powerful God principles, […]
Archives for December 8, 2021
JU2-26: The Reason Why Pastors And Preachers Are TERRIFIED To Teach The Book Of Judges
Most pastors, preachers and teaches shun teaching the Book of Judges like the plague for a very simple reason. It’s filled with darkness, doom, disasters and failures repeated over and over and over again. And while there is a dim light of hope at the end of the tunnel, it’s a long time in coming. […]