“Y’hudah went up; and Adonai gave the Kena‘ani and the P’rizi into their hands; of those in Bezek they killed ten thousand men.”-Judges 1:4 Alrighty, let’s jump right into our text study, shall we? We’ve got some awesome stuff here. And by the way, for those who have followed me from the beginning, a word […]
Archives for October 27, 2021
JU1-2: How The People Communicated With God During The Era Of The Judges
“After the death of Y’hoshua, the people of Isra’el asked Adonai, ‘Who will go up for us first to fight against the Kena‘ani?’” –Judges 1:1 Verse 1 says the people of Israel asked Adonai which tribe should be the first one to launch an offensive against the Canaanites. Does this mean the people like shouted […]