“If it seems bad to you to serve Adonai, then choose today whom you are going to serve! Will it be the gods your ancestors served beyond the River? or the gods of the Emori, in whose land you are living? As for me and my household, we will serve Adonai!”-Joshua 24:15 After Joshua finished […]
Archives for September 2021
J24-23: The Key Difference Between Gentile Prophets And The True Prophets Of Israel
“Then Balak the son of Tzippor, king of Mo’av, rose up and fought against Israel. He sent and summoned Bil‘am the son of Bor to put a curse on you. But I refused to listen to Bil‘am, and he actually blessed you. In this way I rescued you from him.”-Joshua 24:9-10 Verses 9 and 10 […]
J24-22: Israel’s History Is Linked To Their History With God
The first 13 verses of Joshua 24 are a nice concise rendering of Israel’s salvation history. “Salvation history”. That’s actually a thing. Because let’s never forget that salvation is the main theme of the Scriptures. I think we have a tendency to forget that when we get bogged down in all of the stories and […]
J24-21: What False Gods Or Beliefs From Your Past Are You Still Carrying With You Today?
“Therefore fear ADONAI, and serve him truly and sincerely. Put away the gods your ancestors served beyond the [Euphrates]River and in Egypt, and serve ADONAI!”-Joshua 24:14 Israel’s history has just completed a full circle as demonstrated by the fact that Joshua is now holding the Covenant Renewal ceremony at Shechem. This is the exact same […]
J24-20: If You Wanna Know What God Is Gonna Do In The Future, Look At What He Did In The Past
There’s something mighty significant about Joshua Chapter 24 that I want you to catch? Do you remember where God first promised Abraham He would give the land of Canaan to his descendants? It was at Shechem. And here in Joshua Chapter 24, where is Joshua holding the Covenant Renewal Ceremony? It is at Shechem. In […]