The other reason Joshua says the people can’t serve God is because the Lord is a jealous God. Again, we have to explore the meaning of the word “jealous” from the ancient Middle Eastern perspective. According to the god system during Bible times, it was normal that gods were jealous of each other. The gods […]
Archives for September 2021
J24-28: Holiness Is BOTH A Saving And Destroying Attribute Of God
When Joshua asked the people if they were willing to serve God wholeheartedly, the people responded positively. But they were interpreting Joshua’s question through their own filters. In other words, in their brains, they heard what they wanted to hear and discarded the rest. Here’s another interesting thing about the ancient Middle Eastern mindset. The […]
J24-27: Why The Ancient Israelites Thought It Was Okay To Worship God Along With Other Gods
You know, it’s interesting how the modern gentile church hasn’t taken very seriously certain warning statements contained in our Bibles. Particularly in the New Testament. God is made out to be this frustrated parent issuing meaningless threats to His children that He doesn’t really have any serious intention of following up on. Well, I’ve got […]
J24-26: One Of The Most Shocking Verses To Be Found Anywhere In The Tanakh
“Y’hoshua said to the people, ‘You can’t serve Adonai; because he is a holy God, a jealous God, and he will not forgive your crimes and sins’.”-Joshua 24:19 Yesterday, we were discussing the following monumental question Joshua posed to the people… “If you don’t want to serve the God of Israel, then whom WILL you […]
J24-25: The One Biblical Question We Need To Ask Ourselves Every Day
The last time we met we explored the following question that Joshua posed to the people: “If you don’t want to serve the God of Israel, then whom WILL you serve?” Like all good questions, we have to understand the context in which it was delivered. In the case, the context was that Israel had […]