“Y’hoshua said to the people, ‘You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen Adonai, to serve him.’” -Joshua 24:22 The importance and real meaning of verse 22 is something we modern folks overlook. Because in the ancient world, it carried an entirely different meaning. After Joshua first rejected Israel’s answer to the question “Will […]
Archives for September 2021
J24-38: Is It Okay To Flirt With Other Gods As Long As You Don’t Abandon The Lord?
But the people said to Y’hoshua, “‘No, but we will serve Adonai.’ Y’hoshua said to the people, ‘You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen Adonai, to serve him.’ They answered, ‘We are witnesses.’ ‘Now,’ Y’hoshua urged, ‘put away the foreign gods you have among you, and turn your hearts to Adonai, the God […]
J24-37: The Reason Why An Unbeliever Can Sin And Still Prosper In This Life
Last time we left off with the question of “What happens to those who have entered into a personal relationship with God but later chooses to give up that relationship?” Does Hashem casually let one of His own just walk away without consequences? Or does the backsliding believer have the option to do a time-out […]
J24-36: How Yeshua Solved The Cosmic Problem Of Sin For All Time And Forever
I finished off yesterday’s post by concluding that the believer has been called out to serve the Lord “with 100% commitment and perfection.” Unfortunately, this is something we’ll never achieve this side of heaven. Because if you’ve already committed even one sin in your life up until now, you’re out of the game already. Yet we […]
J24-35: Is It Possible To Live A Happy And Fulfilled Life Minus God? Answer: YES But…
Whenever arguing with non-believers about the existence of God or whether the Bible is true, invariably the following argument will come up: “A true God of love wouldn’t condemn someone to a miserable life simply because that person doesn’t want to be in a relationship with Him”. And you know what? That’s absolutely correct. And […]
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