A quick question for you here. Have you ever purchased an online course but never really did anything with it? I know I have. I’ve got tons of online courses that are just sitting in the cloud collecting digital dust waiting for me to access them. Well, in a sense the Law that God gave […]
Archives for August 2021
J24-1: The Most Theologically RICH Chapter In The Entire Bible
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 24. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James version, click HERE. Alrighty, let’s get our bearings. In the last chapter, Joshua delivered his farewell address to Israel at the ripe old age of 110 years. He knew his time was fast coming to an end. So […]
J23-5: The Lord Can And Will Reverse The Salvation Of Those He Once Called To Him
There’s something really serious we’ve got to come to terms with that we’ve learned from the Book of Joshua. The Lord can reverse the salvation of those who were once saved. That’s right homies. We’ve clearly seen that the Lord’s inheritance can be removed and handed over to a more faithful generation. As followers of […]
J23-4: For God, Obedience Is The Love Language Of His Followers
“Therefore take great care to love Adonai your God.” -Joshua 23:11 Verse 11 sums up the one-stop solution to all of the temptations, risks and dangers that await Israel if they should ever consider turning their backs against Hashem. And that solution is… …”take great care to love Adonai your God”. It’s at this very […]
J23-3: Israel’s God Fulfilled ALL The Needs For Which Other Nations Needed A Multitude Of Gods
“Therefore be very firm about keeping and doing everything written in the book of the Torah of Moshe and not turning aside from it either to the right or to the left. Then you won’t become like those nations remaining among you. Don’t even mention the name of their gods, let alone have people swear […]