Yesterday I talked about the significance of Shechem and how this Biblical location held just as much significance as Jerusalem. To that point, an interesting question arises. Even though the covenant renewal ceremony took place at Shechem, the current place of rest for the Wilderness Tabernacle was Shiloh. And not only that. The central government […]
Archives for August 2021
J24-6: The One City In Israel That Holds Great Significance For Every Believer (Hint: It’s NOT Jerusalem)
“Y’hoshua gathered all the tribes of Isra’el to Sh’khem; he summoned the leaders, heads, judges and officials of Isra’el; and they presented themselves before God.”-Joshua 24:1 I have a quick question for you. When you hear the word “Israel”, what famous town or city comes to mind? If you’re like 99.999999% of the people out […]
J24-5: Why The Biblical Definition Of A Judge Changed Over Time
Yesterday we talked about the Princes, Elders and Officers. These were the groups of men who represented the different societal classes in Israel. Today, let’s take a quick look at the group of men who were collectively labeled “Judges”. The first thing you need to know is that the role and function of a judge […]
J24-4: Princes, Elders, Officers And Judges Were NOT Different Titles Referring To The Same Role
One important thing to keep in mind when reading Scripture is that all of the titles of the leadership positions we encounter are NOT throwaway terms. In other words, there were qualitative differences between a “Prince”, an “elder”, an “officer” and a “judge” and so on. These terms were not just different titles referring to […]
J24-3: Why We Shouldn’t Take The Phrase ‘All Israel’ Literally
Let’s take a quick look at what Israel’s situation was at this point in their history. The first thing you need to know is they were far from being a unified nation. They were still just a bunch of tribes held loosely together by their Commander-in-Chief Joshua. And now that his death was on the […]