Today I’m gonna share a theological term you probably haven’t heard of unless you attended seminary. The term is “Progressive Revelation”. It’s something the modern gentile church speaks about quite a bit. What is “Progressive Revelation” ? It’s the idea that when the Lord wishes to reveal Himself to mankind, He does it in baby steps. […]
Archives for August 2021
J24-11: The Ancient Israelites Were Actually Polytheists In Their Time
Yesterday, we learned something really important in our discussion about Abraham. We learned that the first step the Lord will take to “de-paganize” someone is to REMOVE that person from his or her homeland. In Abraham’s case, this was done to separate him from the pagan god system embedded in his local culture. In response to […]
J24-10: Abraham’s Home Country Mesopotamia Gave Birth To The Mystery Babylon God System
In yesterday’s post we established two things. FIRST, we established that the word EL from the commonly used term ELOHIM was NOT a Hebrew word but a Canaanite loan word the Hebrews borrowed. SECOND, we established that amongst the pantheon of heathen deities flourishing in the land of Canaan, the four main ones were EL, […]
J24-9: EL (from Elohim) Was Actually The Common Name For The Canaanite’s Highest God
Alright homies, here’s something you’ve probably never heard before. Brace yourself because I think you’re gonna find this quite surprising. You know the world EL from the word ELOHIM. Well, that ain’t a Hebrew word folks. That’s right. It’s actually a Canaanite word that the Israelites borrowed and integrated into their own language. EL was […]
J24-8: The Lord Did NOT Make Himself Known By His Personal Name To Abraham, Isaac And Jacob
“Y’hoshua said to all the people, “This is what YHVH the Elohim of Israel says: ‘In antiquity your ancestors lived on the other side of the [Euphrates] River — Terach the father of Avraham and Nachor — and they served other gods.”-Joshua 24:2 Verse 2 starts off with a staggering statement. Joshua tells the leaders of Israel… […]