Israel had now entered into a period of relative peace and stability. This enabled Joshua to finish the work of divvying up the land among the remaining 7 tribes who hadn’t yet received their land inheritance. Once this was taken care of, the stage was set for the Levites to receive their cities to live […]
Archives for July 2021
J22-2: Ancient Israel’s Cold War With The Canaanites
So Israel was at rest from war but not for long. And the land of Israel was not yet called “Israel”. Because at this stage, the Hebrews were far away from being a politically stable nation. Yet, what Israel had achieved thus far under their God was awesome. In spite of being just a rag-tag […]
J22-1: How Are God’s Chosen People To Worship Hashem When They Live OUTSIDE The Land?
Today we begin Joshua Chapter 22. For the Complete Jewish Bible, click HERE. For the King James version, click HERE. Today we begin Joshua Chapter 22 and man I tell you this chapter is just jam-packed to the hilt with theological treasures. We could literally spend months on this chapter if we wanted to. Unfortunately, […]
J21-6: Israel’s Speed At Overtaking Their Enemies Was Based On Their Obedience To God’s Commands
Following on the heels of yesterday’s post, we concluded that while Israel had conquered the land of Canaan to the point where they now lived in a state of relative peace within the land, there was still much work left to be done. For instance, Tyre, Sidon and the Philistines still maintained a foothold inside […]
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