Let’s dig in a bit into the mindset of Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manessah (the Trans-Jordanian tribes). What exactly was going on inside their minds when they decided to inherit land OUTSIDE of what God had promised to Israel? This is an important topic that affects all of us today as well. Here’s what […]
Archives for July 2021
J22-12: The Many Times We Say NO To God’s Provision Because We Decide We Have Better Options
Yesterday, we were talking about the following question Pinchas posed to the 2 1/2 tribes who had chosen the Transjordan as their home. “If you really feel the land you have taken possession of is unclean, then why not cross back over into the land which God has chose for us?” I’m not sure if […]
J22-11: A Theological Question So Profound A Seminary Student Could Write A Doctoral Thesis On It
“If the land you have taken possession of is unclean, then cross back over into the land which belongs to Adonai, where the tabernacle of Adonai is located, and take a possession among us. But don’t rebel against Adonai, and don’t rebel against us, by building yourselves an altar other than the altar of Adonai […]
J22-10: The Lord Will Hold The Whole Community Responsible For The Sins Of Even One Member
“They came to the descendants of Re’uven, the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of M’nasheh in the land of Gil‘ad and spoke with them; they said, ‘Here is what the whole community of Adonai is saying: ‘What is this treachery that you have committed against the God of Isra’el, turning away today from following […]
J22-9: Why The Israelites Would Rather Make War On Their Own Brothers Than Fight A Common Enemy
The last time we left off, the 2 1/2 half tribes had constructed a huge altar on the west bank of the Jordan River. Why? Because they were worried that since they’d no longer be living inside Canaan, they’d be abandoned by their brothers who were living inside Promised Land territory. What was the response […]