Let’s get right down to it and answer the $64,000 question hanging in the air. Was it a sin for the tribes of Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh to build the Altar that they built? Giving them the benefit of the doubt that they had zero intention of performing sacrifices on it or using […]
Archives for July 2021
J22-17: The Hebrew Word Most Bibles Translate Incorrectly That Tells Us What The 2 1/2 Tribes Built
“For this reason we said, ‘When they accuse us or future generations in this way, we will say, “Look! Here is a replica of the altar of Adonai which our ancestors made, not for burnt offerings or sacrifices, but as a witness between us and you.”’-Joshua 22:28 So the 2 1/2 tribes on the east […]
J22-16: The Hebrew Word Used To Describe The Intentions Of The 2 1/2 Tribes When They Built Their Altar
Remember there are 4 key questions being touched on inside of Joshua Chapter 22. They are… “Who really are God’s people?” “Is there a specific location where the worship of the Lord should take place?” “Is there a proper way one should worship God that all mankind needs to conform to?” “Is being sincere and […]
J22-15: The Problem With Mankind And Every Other Religion In Existence Today
“When Pinchas the cohen and the leaders of the community, the heads of the thousands of Isra’el who were with him, heard what the descendants of Re’uven, the descendants of Gad and the descendants of M’nasheh said, it satisfied them.”-Joshua 22:30 So the question we need to ask ourselves is… …what’s the big deal if […]
J22-14: How English Translations Utterly Destroy The True Meaning Of This Bible Verse
“Then the descendants of Re’uven, the descendants of Gad and the half-tribe of M’nasheh answered the leaders of the thousands of Isra’el: “The Mighty One, God, is Adonai! He knows, and Israel will know — if we acted in rebellion or treachery against Adonai, don’t vindicate us today! We haven’t built an altar in order […]